MBA-entrance training

CAT Training

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Are YOU ‘Future Ready’ yet ?

Experience a premier business school before going to one 
or, for that matter, even without going to one.


Home of Crystal Clear Concepts

Training towards CAT
and the allied MBA-entrance examinations (XAT, SNAP, NMAT)

Passionately Yours since May, 2001



MBA Overview

Global Platform


The MBA (Master of Business Administration) is the world's most sought-after postgraduate degree as it is an imperative stepping stone towards a successful managerial, leadership, and entrepreneurial career.

In the era in which we live, the reach and the scale of operations are necessities as companies are diversified and multi-faceted. This global thinking and local planning increase the scope of an MBA substantially as an education in management provides a basket of the requisite knowledge, skills, and mind-set needed to survive and to succeed in this demanding environment. 


In this globalised and liberalised environment it provides a passport towards :   

  • Wider career options
  • Superior employment positions
  • Faster career growth
  • Enhanced income potential


Graduates from any discipline (Commerce, Engineering, Humanities, Management, Science, Technology, etc.) are eligible. Aspirants can take the entrance examinations in their final year of graduation so as to enable them to pursue MBA without a break in their academic life. Students pursuing B.Com, BBA, BMS, B.Sc., BA can pursue MBA after obtaining the Bachelor’s Degree post three years of graduation.


While the list of specialisations offered by business schools is expanding continually, the broad areas that the students can specialise in are :

  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Systems
  • Operations

In the first year, a student is usually exposed to all the facets of management and to all the above functional areas. The choice of specialisation is usually made in the second year based on one's competence, aspirations, and interests.

Towards a successful managerial, leadership, and entrepreneurial career



Why TCC ?

Assurance & Exclusivity

The most profound strength of TCC happens to be its teachers, i.e., the faculty members.
They are specialists, they are constant, and they are permanent.


Faculty Profile

Sir  :  Mr. Sandip Sen, Founder & Director    

  • B.E. in Electronics and Telecommunication.
    Ranked FIRST in Engineering.
  • MBA (Marketing and Finance) from XIM-B.
    TOPPED in Marketing.
  • Had MBA admission offers also from IIM-K, IIM-I, and S.P. Jain.
  • Training towards CAT and GD-PI-WAT since 1999

Ma’am  :  Dr. Soma Sen, Director

  • B.A. and M.A. in English from Jadavpur University. Ranked FIRST in both.
  • M.Phil and Ph.D from New York State University, USA. Ranked FIRST.
  • Was a visiting faculty member at Ohio University, USA.
  • UGC empanelled faculty member.
  • Training towards CAT, GMAT, and GD-PI-WAT since 2000.

Unique & Unmatched


  • Sir has been teaching the entire spectrum of Mathematics and LR & DI since 1999.
  • Similarly, Ma’am has been teaching the entire range of English since 2000.


  • Since TCC’s inception (May, 2001), Sir and Ma’am have been the constant factor.   
  • All the classes, across all the batches, are conducted by only Sir and Ma’am.
  • This results in consistency, familiarity, and flawless mutual understanding between the faculty members and the students.  


  • Sir and Ma’am are permanent, by default, as they are the owners and directors of TCC.
  • In other places the faculty members are temporary as they leave and join other institutes and are replaced by new ones.    

No other institute can give such ASSURANCE and such EXCLUSIVITY



Why TCC ?

Personalisation & Customisation

Tête-à-têtes (One-to-One sessions) - unmatched

  • Customisation and Personalisation at their best
  • Conducted, individually, for every student
  • Customisation of ‘Plan of Action’ for every student
  • One-to-one career guidance and mentoring for every student
  • In accordance with the background, competence, interests, and aspirations of the particular student

Plan of Action (POA) Sessions

  • What, Why, When, and How of the MBA-entrance preparation and process
  • Threadbare analysis
  • Makes the preparation and the process far more effective and efficient

Career Sessions and Management Sessions

  • Deep insights into management education, business schools, selection, application, and the form-filling process
  • Customised framework and guidance

Strategy Sessions (CAT and Non-CAT)

  • Customised strategies and tactics to be adopted in CAT and in the allied MBA-entrance examinations
  • These sessions in particular and the entire training in general will ensure that a student can handle uncertainties and ambiguities

Concepts Phase

  • 110 Concept Classes in learning perspective
  • Each topic starts from scratch and transcends to the CAT level and even beyond
  • Covers the entire spectrum of the CAT curriculum
  • Makes the concepts Crystal Clear

Backup Phase

  • Daily Backup, Weekly Backup, Supplementary Backup
  • Backup on Demand, Customised Backup, Video Backup

Shortcut Phase

  • Examination perspective
  • Blistering pace

Doubt-clearing Phase

  • 110 sessions towards Conceptual doubt clearing
  • Further, MBA-entrance and Career doubt clearing

Revision Phase

  • 110 sessions reiterating the Concept Classes
  • Crystal Clear Concepts reinforced

Study Material

  • More than 1000 pages of core concepts
  • More than 11000 pages of printed and online study material

Crystal Clear Concepts in a personalised, customised, and hi-tech environment


Why TCC ?  

Test Platform

Unique & Exclusive Offerings

Experience D-day many times over - unmatched

  • The TCC Online Platform is congruent to the actual CAT platform and the CAT interface
  • The TCC Experience replicates the CAT-Day experience a staggering 15 times. This is in terms of venue, environment, invigilation, mode of conduct, and pattern

Largest Computer Laboratory - unmatched

  • TCC has the largest Computer Laboratory
  • Hence, TCC is the only institute to have the entire Laboratory testing for all its students in-house
  • Maximum in-house full-length tests, 15 in number

Customised Laboratory Slot - unmatched

  • Each & every student is assigned a customised laboratory test slot
  • No need to “book” test slots, like elsewhere
  • No need to visit other “venues” for testing, like elsewhere


  • Review, analytics, analysis 
  • Redo mode, Revision mode, Detailed solution
  • Apt filters for a micro-level understanding
  • Qualitative, Quantitative, and Graphical feedbacks
  • Analytics of one’s performance
  • Analysis of the test
  • Benchmarks, IIM cut-offs, non-IIM cut-offs

Estimated CAT percentile - unmatched

  • Based on Mathematical modelling
  • Know what to expect on the D-day

General Tests


  • TCC Evaluation Examination - appraisal, benchmarking, feedback
  • Fathoms coordinates at the commencement of ‘The TCC Journey’    

Reading Tests

  • 600 passages covering a wide gamut of topics
  • Enhances reading prowess, patience, and speed
  • Captures, analyses, and tracks reading speed

Word Power

  • 80 tests ; customised on a weekly basis
  • Tests and develops Lexical quotient
  • Reviews, analyses, tracks and enhances lexical prowess

GK Tests

  • 284 tests ; customised on a weekly basis
  • Tests and develops GK quotient  
  • Reviews, analyses, tracks and enhances General Knowledge

Topic Tests

  • More than 400 tests covering the entire spectrum of MBA entrance
  • Test of individual topic preparation
  • Reviews, analyses, tracks individual topic preparation

Subject Tests

  • 90 tests in English, Mathematics and LR & DI
  • Test of individual subject preparation
  • Reviews, analyses, tracks individual subject preparation

11 examination-specific & pattern-specific 'Test Series' ; more than 1500 online tests


Why TCC ? 

Test Platform

Triple CAT Test Series

Laboratory Tests (The Grandest CAT Test Series)

  • 15 full-length tests
  • Indigenously developed based on R&D
  • Congruent to CAT pattern, platform, and interface
  • Scheduled at the TCC Computer Laboratory for a real-examination feel
  • Benchmarks, IIM cut-offs, non-IIM cut-offs
  • Estimated CAT percentile
  • Review, solution, analytics, analysis

Archive Tests (The Peerless CAT Test Series)

  • 20 full-length tests
  • Based on past CAT papers
  • Unique offering of past CAT questions in the present CAT pattern, platform and interface
  • Benchmarks, IIM cut-offs, non-IIM cut-offs
  • Estimated CAT percentile
  • Review, solution, analytics, analysis

RealCATs (The Strategic CAT Test Series)

  • 15 full-length tests 
  • The final frontier - the last leg of the marathon
  • Indigenously developed based on R&D
  • Congruent to CAT pattern, platform and interface
  • Benchmarks, IIM cut-offs, non-IIM cut-offs
  • Estimated CAT percentile
  • Review, solution, analytics, analysis


Non-CAT Tests


  • 12 full-length, pattern-specific tests
  • Congruent to XAT pattern, platform, and interface
  • Based on past XAT papers
  • Unique offering of past XAT questions in the present XAT pattern, platform, and interface    


  • 8 full-length, pattern-specific tests
  • Congruent to SNAP pattern, platform, and interface
  • Based on past SNAP papers
  • Unique offering of past SNAP questions in the present SNAP pattern, platform, and interface


  • 8 full-length, pattern-specific tests
  • Congruent to NMAT pattern, platform, and interface
  • Based on past NMAT papers
  • Unique offering of past NMAT questions in the present NMAT pattern, platform, and interface


Review, Solution, Analytics ; Analysis ; IIM & Non-IIM Cut-offs, Estimated CAT Percentile



Why TCC ?

General Knowledge Platform (Planet K)


  • Illustrious national and international honours 
  • Periodic updates


  • Major companies nationally and globally
  • Key data
  • Periodic updates       


  • Key parameters of the Indian economy
  • Key parameters of the major economies of the world
  • Periodic updates

Famous Profiles

  • Famous personalities and their insights
  • Profile presentation


  • Explanation of important terms in General Economics and General Finance
  • Alphabetical and Conceptual Listings

News Headlines

  • National and Global news
  • The year in a nutshell     



  • Key people at the helm of major national and international organisations
  • Periodic updates


  • Key people at the helm of the political spectrum
  • Periodic updates              


  • Motley collection of information and data
  • Myriad aspects of General Knowledge

Question Bank

  • Vast repertoire of questions and answers
  • Coverage includes Economics, Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Civics, Geography, Sports, Miscellany


  • Illustrious performers, honours, and accolades
  • Periodic updates

Top Stories

  • Periodic write-ups and lucid analysis on pertinent topics
  • Relevant issues plaguing India in particular and the world in general

Planet K : General Knowledge Builder 12 Categories having 72 Features


Why TCC ?

Exclusive Resources

Backup Platform (Backup on Demand) 

  • Comprises Backup Classes       
  • Attend Backups as per your need and convenience

Career Platform (Alumni Interface) 

  • Business School and Corporate Interfaces
  • Experiences and success stories of illustrious TCC Alumni

Communication Platform (Notice Board)

  • Schedule, Announcements 
  • Communiqués, Requisites

Data Platform (Student Repository)  

  • Personalised and Customised data
  • Documents, Applications, Forms
  • Personalised and Customised evaluation

General Knowledge Platform (Planet K)

  • A powerhouse of exclusive and customised learning
  • 12 categories 
  • 72 features

Guidance Plus Platform

  • Guidance towards MBA entrance in particular
  • Guidance towards Career and Overall Development in general 
  • Customised guidance beyond the TCC Classroom Guidance


MDP (GD-PI-WAT) Platform 

  • Myriad features and attributes
  • An exclusive platform for the TCC GD-PI-WAT Students

Online Class Platform

  • Customised Platform
  • Adjust pace of learning
  • Review and revision

Study Material Platform

  • E-Books
  • Assignments
  • Pertinent class notes

TCC Cloud

  • One-stop document storage facility
  • Academic, Extracurricular, Work-related
  • Identity, Application, Miscellaneous

Test Platform

  • 11 examination-specific & pattern-specific 'Test Series'
  • Each ‘Test Series’ customised to cater to specific requirements
  • More than 1500 online tests in total
  • Tests, Review, Solution, Analytics, Analysis
  • IIM cut-offs, Non-IIM cut-offs, Estimated CAT Percentile

Unmatched & Unique offerings - exclusively for the TCC Students

Always at your disposal  



World-Class Education & Training for Life
resulting in
Transcendent Achievements

 CAT Results : Epic

  • For the last continuous 13 years TCC has the best results among freshers who are general graduates.
  • This implies B.Com., BBA, BMS, B.Sc., and BA students who went to a business school without work experience.
  • These TCC Students have got into top business schools including IIMs and XLRI on a regular basis.

GD-PI-WAT Results : Monumental

  • Best results in the country, by a long margin, since inception (May, 2001), i.e., for the last 23 years.
  • Also, for the last staggering twenty years (2004-05 to 2023-24),
    • IIM(s) call-conversion has been above 90 %
    • XLRI call-conversion has been above 80 % 
    • Overall call-conversion (all business schools included) has been above 90 %

Career Results : Matchless

Thanks to ‘The TCC Journey’ (CAT & GD-PI-WAT trainings),

  • Till date more than 200 TCC Students have got the best placement in their respective business school.
  • TCC Students have got the best all India placements, all business schools combined, for 4 consecutive years.
  • No other institute in the entire country has been able to match this feat.

Why depend on TCC Students when you can be one of them ?

Decide logically, not based on gimmicks, discount-traps, and nomadic faculty members