
Name: Kiran Rathi
School: Vikram Balika, Howrah ; Shree Jain Vidyalaya, Howrah
College: S.A. Jaipuria (B.Com)
Business School: "TCC Management Systems"
Mark my words, TCC is the best Business School in the universe.
(By the way, TCC also offers the best CAT coaching & tuition and also the best GD-PI-WAT coaching & tuition.)
After 'The TCC Journey’ and without doing an MBA, I am heading various entities and I am a torch-bearer to various start-ups.
TCC is an emotion that is inseparable.
Once a TCCian will forever be a TCCian.
Take my word, TCC is the best Business School one can experience in the universe.
(By the way, TCC also offers the best CAT coaching & tuition and also the best GD-PI-WAT coaching & tuition.)
The CAT training was designed on the bedrock of Crystal Clear Concepts and discipline so that we students come out of our comfort zone and unearth our potential. The discipline is to ensure we create a difference in this beautiful journey called LIFE. The training is not limited to CAT rather the actual objective is to prepare us for the real exams of life. No permutation and combination of letters available can sum up this serene experience.
GD-PI training is something that's a must do for all the youth irrespective of the fact if the target is to crack entry to a premier Business School or not. It gives the experience of Business school before entering one. Every element of the training ranging from the intense classes, interviews, group discussions, communication sessions all are so impeccably planned to ensure a TCCian is always miles ahead not only in a business school but also in the Corporate / Business world.
The best decision in my life was to undergo TCC trainings.
A place where honesty and punctuality are prerequisites to enter. Sir's Perseverance, Passion & Commitment ensure the founding stones are perfectly placed to face all the storms of life with the head held high. Ma'am's motherly love and care boosts the confidence in such a way that nothing in this world seems impossible.
After undergoing TCC training and without doing an MBA, I am heading the Finance Department. I have been entrusted with diversified roles ranging from Marketing to Product Development. I am heading various entities and I am a torch-bearer to various start-ups. All these experiences have been fabulous.
TCC is not just an institute, rather it’s an emotion that is inseparable. Once a TCCian will forever be a TCCian.

Name: Adit Mittal
School: Birla High
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
The TCC CAT Journey was remarkable. The POAs gave ironclad directions to move ahead. The backup-on-demand helped me attend missed classes seamlessly. The Concept Classes covered the universe. The study material & the tests ensured practice from all possible domains. The Computer Laboratory uniquely prepared me for the CAT Day. The personalisation, the customisation and the motivation ensured that I did not give up.
The TCC MDP Journey was unique and unmatched.
The practice GDs, PIs, and WATs ensured exhaustive practice to ace the actual interviews.
I went through a complete metamorphosis which cannot be described in words, it must be experienced.

Name: Dhruv Sarda
School: Holy Cross, Silchar ; Don Bosco, Silchar
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
The TCC CAT Journey was extremely structured & comprehensive. Crystal Clear Concepts ensured a rock-solid foundation. The quantum & complexity levels of the Test Platform ensured all possible variety of questions. TCC was with each one of us at each step guiding & motivating us all along. Even when away, TCC continued to influence us positively. TCC made me ready for all scenarios which translated into excellence on the CAT-day.
The MDP journey was a transformative one.
It fostered self-awareness, boosted communication skills, team skills, enhanced emotional intelligence; making me more confident and empathetic.
Mutually exclusive PIs, WATs, GDs, and their personalised evaluation & feedback enabled us to improve immensely.

Name: Rhea Lhila
School: Ballygunge Shiksha Sadan
College: St. Xavier's (B.Sc)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
The Plan of Actions gave us a highly comprehensive & productive methodology to excel in CAT and in life. Immense focus on the basics ensured Crystal Clear Concepts. Relentless brainstorming developed confidence & speed. Prompt backups were a huge help. TCC prepared us for the worst-case scenario. The Computer Laboratory enabled a calm & composed mindset on the CAT Day. All of these were game changers for the TCC students.
The MDP journey, a period of metamorphosis, ensured my Attitude, Behaviour, and Character (ABC of life) were in sync with the corporate requirements.
Challenging deadlines gave us an experience of a premier business school before going to one.
MDP armed us with requisite basket of skills, confirming our winning chances.

Name: Mahek Rohra
School: Mahadevi Birla World Academy
College: Jadavpur University (BA)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
Joining TCC is the best decision of my life. TCC trained me for life in general and for CAT in particular. Each aspect of The TCC Journey was a huge learning. The continuous motivation helped me understand my true potential. The standard of TCC is so high that CAT felt easy. TCC is more than an institute as the emotions attached are immeasurable. TCC is family. I gained 2 role models whose teachings I will follow for life.
Personally, there was a metamorphosis in me after the highly personalised MDP training.
It was all about experiencing a premier business school before entering one.
Everything, from the soft skills to hard skills, prepared me not only for the GD-PI-WAT processes, but also the corporate world.
The training was indeed world-class, equipping me with managerial mind set and skill set.

Name: Devraj Shah
School: St. Xavier’s Collegiate
College: The Heritage (B.Sc)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
TCC, my sanctuary away from home, was the pivotal decision in my life. The TCC Journey ensured a profound metamorphosis, adding immeasurable value to my life. The world-class training, the Crystal Clear Concepts, & the discipline propelled us beyond the ordinary. TCC sculpted our characters. The unwavering care & guidance and the meticulous customisation & personalisation at every step left an indelible mark on my heart & soul.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT training is beyond World-Class.
It is a training for lifetime.
It helped me realise the goal of entering a premier Business School and instilled in me readiness for life's challenges.
This transformative experience has proved instrumental in polishing me personally and professionally.

Name: Varun Bajaj
School: La Martiniere for Boys
College: St. Xavier’s (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore
The TCC CAT programme focusses on the conversion of known and unknown into Crystal Clear Concepts.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT programme allows one to experience a premier business school before going to one or for that matter even without going to one.
The TCC training supercedes CAT and GD-PI-WAT. It brought about a metamorphosis in my approach towards life.
Words cannot capture the essence of my TCC Journey. The experience that TCC offers is indeed unique and unmatched.
Words cannot capture the essence of my TCC Journey. Notwithstanding the same, I have tried my very best to do justice.
When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion. This African adage is an apt expression of the "modus operandi" of TCC with respect to the CAT programme. The focus is on the conversion of known and unknown into Crystal Clear Concepts, so as to develop a platform for further application. This allows one to tackle every twist that the questions may offer. The underlying concepts when integrated, equip one to face any examination.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT programme allows one to experience a premier business school before going to one or for that matter even without going to one. The GD Cycles, WAT cycles and the PIs are a sine qua non part of the curriculum that equip one not only to perform but also to evaluate one's performance at every step. This instills a feedback mechanism within oneself so as to facilitate constant self-improvement - Kaizen. The GD-PI-WAT programme is conducted in a calculated and planned manner and encompasses a tailored approach towards each student.
The training at TCC is not confined to the training towards CAT and GD-PI-WAT. The TCC training supercedes any such boundary to encompass the universe of situations where the training will be applicable. It brought about a metamorphosis in my approach towards life. As a result, the tutelage cultivated in me not only the required knowledge but also the commensurate wisdom. The experience that TCC offers is indeed sui generis.

Name: Avantika Jhunjhunwala
School: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad
The TCC CAT coaching gave utmost emphasis to the understanding of various concepts rather than finding the solution to the given questions. This has drastically changed my approach towards problem solving and has strengthened by conceptual knowledge to a great extent.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT preparation is holistic and the training undergone will find its application throughout one’s corporate and even social & personal lives.
Throughout the TCC CAT coaching, TCC gave utmost emphasis to the understanding of various concepts rather than finding the solution to the given questions. This has drastically changed my approach towards problem solving and has strengthened my conceptual knowledge to a great extent.
The best thing about the TCC GD-PI-WAT preparation is that the objective is not to prepare the candidates just for the upcoming business school admission interviews. A holistic approach is being followed and the training undergone will find its application throughout one’s corporate and even social & personal lives.
Overall, the TCC Journey was a very enriching experience for me because it helped me in developing a curious mind towards everything. It has also helped me in identifying my weak points which would have remain unplugged otherwise.

Name: Debopam Purkayastha
School: South Point
College: IIEST Shibpur (B. Tech)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Kozhikode
TCC is much more than a CAT and GD-PI-WAT preparation centre.
It gave me a premier Business School experience before going to one.
The impact of The TCC Journey will last a lifetime.
With lots of happy memories in my heart, I look forward to making Sir and Ma'am proud.
I will always be indebted.
When I joined TCC, my only aim was to fetch a decent percentile. TCC turned out to be much more than the best CAT preparation centre and also the best GD-PI preparation centre.
Ma'am's classes not only helped me in improving Language, Grammar and Vocabulary, but with her encouragement, I started reading non-academic books for the first time in life.
Thanks to Sir, I got into the habit of reading newspapers which has helped me a lot ever since.
The TCC Triple CAT Test Series is more than sufficient to ace CAT. The classes, the study material and the assignments made our basics strong(er) and made every topic Crystal Clear. The class notes helped tremendously to increase my speed and accuracy.
The GD-PI training is for life. Ma'am's classes improved my Communication and got rid of my fear of Public Speaking. Sir's Concept Classes covered every possibility of Group Discussions and Interviews. Also, we got to learn about various management functions in detail. These and the practice GDs & PIs made me more than ready for the actual GD-PI.
I can go on and on about TCC, but I believe I will not be able to express all those in words. Some relations go beyond the classroom, and such was my relationship with Sir - he treated me like his own son and guided me throughout. Even more than his teaching, I respect him for the way he has always tried to enforce discipline amongst us and for his immense knowledge. Sir, in his own way, has a different aura altogether. I would fear him, respect him, love him and be in awe of him - all at the same time. The tremendous amount of time and emotion he invests in each and every student is unparalleled.
I am grateful to TCC for giving me a premier Business School experience beforehand. With lots of happy memories, I look forward to making Sir & Ma'am proud. Thank you Sir, Ma'am & the TCC team for your immense help and guidance. I will always be indebted to TCC.

Name: Bhawna Pagaria
School: St. Thomas' Church, Howrah
College: J. D. Birla (BBA)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta
The TCC Journey comprises CAT tuition & GD-PI-WAT tuition through TCC Classroom, TCC Online, TCC Test Series and much more.
They are not only the best CAT tuition and the best GD-PI-WAT tuition in the country, they are absolutely world class. They are unmatched and surreal.
TCC gave me an experience of a premier business school and made me Future Ready.
TCC, my second home, is the fulcrum of my success.
I am blessed to have been taught, guided, hand-held and inspired by the best teachers and at the best CAT institute & the best GD-PI-WAT institute in particular and the best institute for life in general.
The TCC Journey comprises CAT tuition & GD-PI-WAT tuition through TCC Classroom, TCC Online, TCC Test Series and much more and is absolutely world class.
My CAT percentile speaks volumes about TCC’s CAT training. Overall 99.8, English 98.97, LRDI 99.57, Maths 98.84.
The Plan of Action sessions form the rock-solid foundation. The concepts were taught from scratch with real-life examples so that they get etched into us. The transition in class from easy to difficult prepared us for the worst-case scenarios. Sir & Ma’am always guided and clarified our doubts. The brainstorming sessions provoked thinking and induced huge improvements.
I had joined another test series for CAT, the biggest in India. I also got influenced by its high-decibel advertising. The test series there was too easy for CAT and even the platform was not meaningful.
The TCC test series & test platform are matchless. The variety & exposure to all types & all levels are mind boggling. TCC tests made CAT easy for me & I enjoyed taking CAT.
Not only TCC Classroom & TCC Online, even TCC Test Series is the best in the country.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT training is amazing, preparing us holistically for unparalleled performance. It was customised based on our profiles & aspirations. Every aspect of the training is designed with a greater purpose which I keep experiencing at IIM, Calcutta.
TCC gave me an experience of a premier business school & made me Future Ready.
At TCC, the love, the care and the personal attention are unmatched, we are nurtured as children. Sir & Ma’am supported & motivated relentlessly.
TCC helped me set higher standards. It is because of TCC that I topped in my graduation.
The TCC Classroom was an unmatched and a surreal experience. And now, TCC Online has set new standards. It is as awesome as TCC Classroom.
TCC, my second home, is the fulcrum of my success.
I am blessed to have been taught, guided, hand-held and inspired by the best teachers and at the best institute.

Name: Ratul Borar
School: Don Bosco, Park Circus
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Xavier School of Management (XLRI), Jamshedpur
The TCC CAT Classroom Classes are holistic, focussing tremendously on the concepts.
The TCC GD-PI classes are a structured and systematic approach to imbibe in us the necessary qualities of a manager.
The TCC Journey has been a marvellous experience that has been incredibly value-adding and aided immensely towards my character building.
It will be difficult to explain this JOURNEY in words. All I can say is that, this will play a very important role in all my future achievements and accomplishments.
The TCC CAT Classroom Classes are holistic, focussing tremendously on the concepts thereby ensuring a crystal clear understanding of the basics. The training ensured that all of us were prepared, physically and mentally, for the examinations in the short term and all the challenges that await us in the long term.
The TCC GD-PI classes are a structured and systematic approach to imbibe in us the necessary qualities of a manager. A marvellous experience that has been incredibly value-adding and beneficial not just in terms of getting into a top business school but also in terms of handling all future opportunities. The rigorous training and learning have attributed incredibly towards my character building as well.
On hindsight, it would be extremely myopic to classify TCC as the best CAT coaching/tuition/preparation and the best GD-PI-WAT coaching/tuition/preparation.
The TCC Journey has been a life-changing experience personally - discovering my strengths and capabilities, working on my weaknesses to ensure that I am prepared for all that the future holds for me. It will be difficult to explain this JOURNEY in words, all I can say is that this will play a very important role in all my future achievements and accomplishments.

Name: Shruti Mimani
School: Mahadevi Birla World Academy
College: Shikshayatan (B.Sc)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Indore
TCC has made me realise a seemingly inconceivable dream by bringing a metamorphosis in me.
Thanks to Sir and Ma'am for the 'training for life' in the form of the best possible CAT tuitions and the best possible GD-PI-WAT tuitions.
I remain indebted to TCC for this enriching and memorable experience.
The focus of the TCC CAT tuition has always been on building a solid understanding of the concepts, which in turn developed in me the wherewithal to tackle some of the most arduous problems that came my way. The teaching methodology focused not only on appearing for some of the most competitive exams, but also on overall development.
From failing to properly draft a simple sentence, to being able to fluently deliver germane arguments in GDs, it has truly been a metamorphosis that I've experienced in my mannerisms and personality, having undergone the TCC GD-PI-WAT tuition. The rigor and intensity of the curriculum packs in those critical requisites of personality and soft skills development that we need to learn as future managers. The tailor-made guidance of Sir, Ma'am and the TCC team imbued in me nerves of steel, so I could tackle GDs and Interviews with aplomb. I remain indebted to TCC for this enriching and memorable experience.
The TCC Journey is unparalleled, it is a once in a lifetime experience. The CAT and GD-PI-WAT tuitions were laced with motley learnings which I believe have gone all the way in moulding and fine-tuning my personality. The focus on the process, and not the result has been the crux of this journey, and this mantra has helped me in realizing a seemingly inconceivable dream today.
I will, for years to come, cherish the learnings from my days at TCC. Thanks to Sir and Ma'am for the 'training for life' in the form of the best possible CAT tuitions and the best possible GD-PI-WAT tuitions.

Name: Himanshu Rathi
School: Shree Jain
College: Umeschandra (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Kozhikode
Thanks to “Crystal Clear Concepts”, TCC turns average students into exceptional ones.
Post the TCC CAT training and the TCC GD PI WAT training, I find myself as a completely different person.
TCC has been a torchbearer in the lives of students.
It is a pleasure being a part of this inseparable family.
The TCC Journey (CAT and GD-PI trainings) has created a profound impact on my life in general and my career in particular.
The “Plan of Actions”, the one-to-one sessions and the relentless motivation ensure that goals are set, customized and achieved flawlessly. The comprehensive (yet fun-filled) classes increased our focus by notches and made our concepts Crystal Clear. The online tests provide an opportunity to realise and eliminate the mistakes along with giving a taste of the D-day. Everything is designed in a way so as to guide the students to achieve academic excellence.
Extensive Communication, Interview, WAT and GD sessions ensure the easing of nerves gradually, hence, giving a feeling of comfort and confidence in the GDs, WATs and PIs at business schools. The improvement in every aspect of my personality is quite noticeable.
TCC does not only focus on CAT and GD PI WAT, rather it focuses on the entire life to come. Academic concepts and knowledge are the fruits of the TCC training whereas discipline, punctuality, ethics, morality and values are the by-products.
From the very first day, training for the challenges of a business school and indeed that for life start in a subtle way. Post the TCC CAT training and the TCC GD PI WAT training, I find myself as a completely different person. I found myself more confident and better armed to face the challenges of Indian Institute of Management (IIM) after this training. Currently, I am a part of INDWealth's Bangalore team and establishing a new business vertical here and the TCC training is helping me even today.
No wonder, TCC regularly creates exceptional students out of average ones.
It is a pleasure being a part of the inseparable TCC Family.

Name: Harshita Tibrewala
School: La Martiniere for Girls
College: J. D. Birla (B.Com)
Business School: Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurugram
Joining TCC for CAT & GD-PI preparation was the best decision of my life.
The trainings are beyond world class.
TCC is not just a coaching centre but an institution that focuses on overall growth and development. We were continuously encouraged and motivated to plan and prepare towards a glorious future.
Starting from Day 1 of the TCC Journey to the “Last Class” there was continuous and seemingly unending magic.
The customisation and the personalisation were the highlight of the TCC Journey. The relentless care and effort taken by Sir, Ma’am and the TCC team are remarkable. The continuous motivation, doubt clearing and hand holding made sure that we were ‘Future Ready’.
Joining TCC for CAT & GD-PI preparation was the best decision of my life.
TCC is not just a coaching centre but an institution that focuses on overall growth & development. We were continuously encouraged & motivated to plan & prepare towards a glorious future.
Starting from Day 1 of the TCC Journey to the “Last Class” there was continuous and seemingly unending magic. It was apparent that a gargantuan amount of planning and effort was undertaken by TCC to ensure that we achieve our goals.
The concept classes are structured to ensure that each topic is taught from scratch and taken to a level beyond CAT. The regular assignments and a comprehensive TCC Test Platform ensured continuous engagement and extensive study material. The Laboratory Tests in TCC’s state-of-the-art Computer Laboratory acclimatised us to the environment and to the CAT platform. The TCC Triple CAT Test Series (mock tests) were closest to CAT.
The TCC GD-PI Training is beyond World Class. The classes focused on real-life implementation of concepts. The training made every student business school ready in the short term and life ready in the long term. The remarkable personalization along with the constant feedback ensured maximum value addition. Numerous and varied GDs & PIs ensured that I was prepared for anything and everything. After TCC, the WAT-GD-PI process of the business schools became enjoyable and thrilling.
The customisation and the personalisation were the highlights of the TCC Journey as TCC did everything possible to prepare us for CAT & GD-PI in particular and for life in general. The relentless care and effort taken by Sir, Ma’am & the TCC team are remarkable. The continuous motivation, doubt clearing and hand holding that came in the form of Special Sessions and one-to-one sessions made sure that we were ‘Future Ready’.
No wonder that the TCC CAT & GD-PI-WAT coaching and preparation are beyond the best.

Name: Suryansh Goel
School: Don Bosco, Liluah
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad
TCC is a place that influenced me for life.
It ignited in me the spirit of learning.
The TCC CAT training and the TCC GD-PI-WAT training combined is a transformational journey that creates a long-lasting impression.
I am one of the few to be a part of this incredible journey.
The TCC Journey, comprising the CAT training and the GD-PI-WAT training, is the most comprehensive preparation possible.
TCC prepared me for placements at the Business School as well. The journey helps in building an overall personality, builds confidence and develops a can-do attitude.
The TCC Journey is no doubt rigorous, it will challenge and demand but it will make the person stronger and much more responsible.
It is difficult to put in words how this process works. It can only be experienced but not described.
TCC is a place that influenced me for life. It ignited in me the spirit of learning. The TCC CAT training and the TCC GD-PI-WAT training combined is a transformational journey that creates a long-lasting impression.
I am one of the few to be a part of this incredible journey.

Name: Shruti Sethia
School: Lakshmipat Singhania Academy
College: Bhawanipur (B.Sc)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Kozhikode
The TCC Journey has been the epitome of customisation and personal attention.
The effort put in by Sir, Ma’am and the TCC Team to bind the journey into a cohesive whole that rests upon the fulcrum of overall development is unparalleled.
The unmatched TCC CAT coaching and the equally unmatched GD-PI-WAT coaching at TCC brought in me a metamorphosis that is palpable and surreal.
In a subtle way, TCC has trained me for life and I am grateful to it for the same.
The TCC CAT coaching has been an extremely vibrant one. The personal attention that each student gets from Sir and Ma’am has worked wonders for me. The rigour experienced here has equipped me to face the challenges of the world. The essence of the learning imparted here has always been Crystal Clear Concepts. The training as a whole has brought about a drastic positive change in my attitude and approach towards learning in particular and life in general.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT coaching has been phenomenal to say the least. The holistic approach followed for training and learning far supersedes the requirements of the immediate interviews and will find its application for years to come. It exposes us to and equips us for all kinds of stress situations. It has honed our soft skills and hard skills and will continue to do so, without restriction.
The TCC Journey, as a whole, has been the epitome of customization. The effort put in by Sir, Ma’am and the TCC Team to bind the journey into a cohesive whole that rests upon the fulcrum of overall development is unparalleled. The unmatched TCC CAT coaching and the equally unmatched GD-PI-WAT coaching at TCC brought in me a metamorphosis that is palpable and surreal. In a subtle way, TCC has trained me for life and I am grateful to it for the same.

Name: Punit P. Parekh
School: Bhawanipur ; Birla High
College: St. Xavier's (B.Sc)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore
The TCC CAT tuition is the closest to attaining the ideal state of taking care of the universe. The unremitting motivation from Sir & Ma'am serve as catalysts to bell the CAT & beyond.
The GD-PI-WAT tuition at TCC is certainly the best one can get. It transcends the boundaries of GD-PI-WAT and moves into domains of a premier business school in particular and life in general.
The TCC training is designed to get the best out of every student. It prepares one to sail effortlessly in the choppy waters of Life.
The TCC CAT tuition is the closest to attaining the ideal state of taking care of the universe. It goes a long way in preparing the students for the worst-possible scenario. The relentless focus on building and strengthening Crystal Clear Concepts, the multiple sessions for providing an ideal Plan of Action, the emphasis on developing essential skills (besides knowledge), the scientifically designed test series and the unremitting motivation from Sir and Ma'am serve as catalysts to bell the CAT and other examinations.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT tuition is certainly the best one can get. It transcends the boundaries of GD-PI-WAT and moves into domains which will stand the students in good stead in a premier business school in particular and life in general. The ability to handle uncertainties, think on the spur of the moment, communicate (both verbal and non-verbal) with an unperturbed demeanour in the face of adversities and optimally leverage one's strengths are the key takeaways from the training.
The TCC training has changed my perspective towards life. "Rewards in life are commensurate to the sacrifices made." The TCC team is the epitome of the aforementioned and Sir and Ma'am have left no stone unturned to instill this principle in every student. The training is designed to get the best out of every student. It prepares one to sail effortlessly in the choppy waters of Life.

Name: Shubhangee Sharma
School: Raghuraj, Shahdol ; Shiksha Niketan, Amarkantak
College: Bangabasi (B.Com)
Business School: Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), Delhi
Because of Covid-19, we had to attend the major part of The TCC Journey online.
Sir, Ma'am & The TCC Team were so obsessively guiding, supporting and caring at every step that we never felt it was online.
The amount of customisation & personal attention provided at every step is highly enriching and is a surreal experience.
During both the TCC CAT tuition and the TCC GD, PI, WAT tuition, the focus on overall development is so immense that one will undergo a metamorphosis.
TCC - the best CAT institute and the best GD-PI-WAT institute ever.
Joining TCC was the best decision of my life. Because of Covid-19, we had to attend the major part of The TCC Journey online. Sir, Ma'am & The TCC Team were so obsessively guiding, supporting and caring at every step that we never felt it was online.
The TCC CAT tuition is well structured, planned and effective. Being a commerce student, I was always afraid of the LRDI and Quantitative sections. The best part of TCC is that TCC teaches from basics, no matter the background of the student. TCC has always focused on understanding the concepts in ‘Crystal Clear’ terms rather than just getting the answers. The amount of personal attention provided to every student at every step including personal plan of action for each student makes TCC an enriching and a surreal experience.
The GD, PI, WAT tuition are not only for business school interviews but also for the life ahead. Like CAT tuition, GD, PI, WAT tuition also provides customisation and personal attention to every student to the minutest detail. From research projects to ‘Future Ready’ everything was very enriching.
The emphasis of TCC on the overall development of every TCC Child makes it a unique institute. The focus on developing reading habit, discipline and the ‘never give up’ attitude is so immense here that one will change as a person in general and academics in particular. I will always be grateful to Sir, Ma’am and the whole TCC team. It is a privilege to be a part of TCC.

Name: Karanveer Singh Grewal
School: St.James'
College: Jadavpur University (BA)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta
During TCC CAT coaching, the concepts were taught with an unmatched clarity which I am still awestruck with. The teaching is so exhaustive that we do not need to look elsewhere at all.
The TCC GD, PI, WAT coaching is flawless. The level at the actual IIM interviews themselves was not this good and exhaustive.
The only reason I am in IIM-C is because of TCC. The feeling of getting into IIM-C did not sink in initially but when I see how much investment of time and energy TCC made in me, I am not surprised any more.
During TCC CAT coaching, the concepts were taught with an unmatched clarity. The notes for Number System and the cohesive way with which Geometry was taught is something I am still awestruck with. Sir and Ma'am make sure that everything is covered in detail in the class notebooks and no student needs to look for anything elsewhere, such is the exhaustive nature of the teaching.
The TCC GD, PI, WAT coaching is flawless. The only reason I am in IIM, Calcutta is because of the TCC training. It is perfect the way it is. The level at the actual IIM interviews themselves was not this good and exhaustive. TCC interviews were something more demanding (in a good way of course) than the business school ones.
The TCC Journey has been a remarkable one and all I can say is that I am glad I was part of this with Sir and Ma'am. They do their part with unparalleled dedication and I was fortunate enough to learn this from them. The feeling of getting into IIM, Calcutta did not sink in initially but when I see how much investment of time and energy TCC made in me, I am not surprised any more.

Name: Dipti Mundhra
School: Welland Gould Smith
College: St. Xavier's (BBA)
Business School: Xavier School of Management (XLRI), Jamshedpur
The TCC Journey, unforgettable and the best, brought about a metamorphosis in me.
Without any doubt, it was the best CAT coaching and the best GD-PI-WAT coaching possible.
The support, the motivation and the care gave me the courage to dream and the confidence to accomplish it.
Each stage of the CAT coaching and the GD-PI-WAT coaching took me to a higher level.
It helped me hone invaluable skills and values and undoubtedly made me what I am today.
“Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to write this. It is an achievement in itself for me.
TCC’s CAT coaching is one of its kind and played a very important role in shaping me. The endless support and care from TCC not only helped me achieve the pot of gold but also helped me gather the courage to dream about it. The personal mentorship from Sir and Ma’am, the plan of actions, the tête-à-têtes, the lab tests, the concept classes are what sets the TCC students apart and ahead of the competitors.
TCC’s GD-PI-WAT coaching is undoubtedly training for life. It helped me immensely to improve my personality and communication skills and helped me excel in the GD-PI-WAT of institutes. The journey instilled confidence, discipline and willingness to develop and excel. The training got us ready for every situation that could come and made the GD-PI-WAT a cake walk for us.
Today, when I look back at the unforgettable and the best journey all I can see is the metamorphosis it brought into me. Without any doubt, it was the best CAT coaching and the best GD-PI-WAT coaching possible. In true words the support and care from Sir, Ma’am and the TCC team gave me the courage to dream and the confidence to accomplish it. Each stage of the CAT coaching and the GD-PI-WAT coaching took me to a higher level. It helped me hone invaluable skills and values like discipline, hard work, perseverance and willingness to develop.
TCC undoubtedly made me what I am today and I am truly thankful.”

Name: Vedant Jain
School: Assam Valley, Assam
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow
The effect the TCC CAT curriculum had on me cannot be expressed in words. Sir, Ma'am and even the TCC Team were always there to motivate us into giving that extra effort.
The GD-PI-WAT curriculum at TCC not only helped me overcome my inherent public speaking discomfort, but also ace every GD, PI and WAT that I have ever sat in, including the ones for placements at IIM, Lucknow.
The TCC Programme was more preparation for life than mere preparation for CAT & GD-PI-WAT.
The effect the TCC CAT curriculum had on me cannot be expressed in words. Each class offered us something new. Perhaps what stood out more than the classes itself, was how Sir, Ma'am and even the TCC Team were always there to motivate us into giving that extra effort.
I have always considered myself an introvert and was extremely uncomfortable with public speeches and presentations. The TCC GD-PI-WAT curriculum, with its focus on soft skill development, not only helped me overcome the aforementioned discomfort, but also ace every GD, PI and WAT that I have ever sat in, including the ones for placements at IIM, Lucknow.
One of the best things to have ever happened to me is TCC. One of those things I would not change at all, even if given the chance to go back in time. The knowledge, values and motivation that TCC has ingrained in me has been invaluable, to say the very least.
The training programme was more preparation for life than mere preparation for CAT and GD-PI-WAT.
I would just like to thank TCC for everything. I honestly cannot express the gratitude that I actually feel. Words fail.

Name: Bharati Mitruka
School: Agrasain Balika, Howrah ; Ashok Hall
College: J. D. Birla (BBA)
Business School: Xavier School of Management (XLRI), Jamshedpur
The TCC Journey (the TCC CAT coaching and the TCC GD PI WAT coaching) cannot be expressed in words.
It helped me realise my dreams that I did not think I could fulfill.
TCC will always be home for me.
The TCC journey (the TCC CAT coaching and the TCC GD PI WAT coaching) cannot be expressed in words.
The CAT and GD-PI trainings shaped me not only for facing the entrance challenges of a Business School but also trained me for life. It improved my interpersonal skills, helped me break out of my shell and taught me not just what to say but how to say it. It led to my overall development.
The TCC Journey not only helped me recognize my potential but also helped me realize my dreams that I did not think I could fulfill. The relentless motivation and love showed me the correct path and still continue to guide me.
TCC will always be home for me.

Name: Uddhav Poddar
School: Don Bosco, Park Circus
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow
The TCC CAT training is highly exhaustive, extremely personalised and mind-bogglingly comprehensive.
The essence of the GD-PI-WAT training is excellence. The difference between a TCCian and a non-TCCian is so stark and so plainly evident that it is breath taking.
The tangible and the intangible take-aways from The TCC Journey are non-quantifiable. The experience cannot be bound by the shackles of the lexicon.
The training for CAT at TCC is highly exhaustive, extremely personalised and mind-bogglingly comprehensive, which is its USP. I do not think the term 'Crystal Clear Concepts' is better justified anywhere else as compared to TCC. Wherever I stand today and wherever I hope to stand in the future, is and always will be due to Sir, Ma'am and the entire TCC team.
The essence of the MDP (GD-PI-WAT training) is excellence and one can experience this excellence as soon as one walks into the GD room. The difference between a TCCian and a non-TCCian is so stark and so plainly evident that it is breath taking. The tangible and the intangible take-aways from this training are non-quantifiable.
My journey at TCC has proven to be a complete metamorphosis for me. The person I walked in as and the person I leave as, are two very different individuals. It has been a sea-change. The TCC Journey is something which can only be experienced. It cannot be bound by the shackles of the lexicon.
I had taken admission at the best CAT coaching in Kolkata and also the best GD-PI-WAT coaching in Kolkata. After some time, I realised that TCC is the best CAT coaching in India and also the best GD-PI-WAT coaching in India. At the end, I realised that I had already experienced a premier business school even before going to IIM Lucknow.

Name: Nayonika Saha
School: Shri Shikshayatan
College: St. Xavier’s (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow
The TCC CAT and GD-PI-WAT programmes were very planned and effective.
They have helped immensely in evolving holistically which is helping me continually.
The TCC Journey (CAT and GD-PI-WAT coaching) has been thoroughly enriching & enjoyable and the learning & the memories will be cherished forever.
Since inception The TCC Journey (CAT and GD-PI-WAT coaching) has been very planned and effective.
The rigour and the structure have helped me immensely to evolve holistically. The most important has been the Crystal Clear Concepts, which is helping me beyond CAT as well.
My GD-PI-WAT experience at various Business Schools reiterated only one thing and that is, how apt the TCC coaching was. It is more important to be prepared for the environment and that has been taken care of since the day we stepped into TCC. The exclusive training module here, sets us apart from the rest.
Today, I can surely claim that my TCC experience has been thoroughly enriching and enjoyable. There has never been a shortcut to success. But Sir and Ma’am’s personal touch and attention to details, made it a smooth journey for me.
The learnings and memories will be cherished forever.
In an objective sense,
TCC is not only the best CAT coaching and the best GD-PI-WAT coaching in Kolkata but the best in India as well.

Name: Aditya Agarwal
School: Hariyana Vidya Mandir
College: Bhawanipur (B.Com)
Business School: Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), Mumbai
The development undergone because of the training is mind boggling.
Developing character, personality, communication and confidence were just a few facets of this training.
The TCC training is unique, esoteric and for life.
The guidance, the care and the love received cannot be defined.
The CAT training is unique. The concepts taught are crystal clear. The quantum and the manner in which they are taught lay a rock-solid foundation for our further studies. The TCC Test Platform and the General Knowledge Platform are cherries on the cake. The discipline, patience, values and most importantly confidence inculcated from the training speaks volumes about TCC.
The development undergone during the GD-PI-WAT training is mind boggling. Developing character and personality, inculcating values, displaying perfect body language, enhancing verbal communication were just a few facets of the training amongst many others.
The quality and the value addition of the TCC classes changed my perception towards life and changed me for life.
Everyone provides fish but only TCC teaches the art of fishing.
TCC is like home for us TCCians. Sir and Ma'am are like our parents by default and without restriction. The guidance, the love and the care received cannot be defined.
The training is esoteric and helps us experience a premier business school even before entering one.
The TCC Journey offers the best CAT coaching in Kolkata and also offers the best GD-PI-WAT coaching in Kolkata.
More importantly, the TCC Journey offers the best CAT coaching in India and also offers the best GD-PI-WAT coaching in India.
Most importantly, the TCC Journey is indeed a training for life.

Name: Ridhima Lohia
School: Akshar ; La Martiniere for Girls
College: St. Xavier’s (BBA)
Business School: Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad
The TCC CAT teaching is one of the most comprehensive teachings I have ever experienced. By building a strong, positive relationship with the students, the TCC team continuously motivates the students to give their very best.
The customised GD-PI-WAT teaching focusing on each individual’s strengths and weaknesses is rare to experience.
The TCC Journey provided us with practical tools which not only helped us in our business schools but also do so in our work lives.
The TCC CAT teaching is one of the most comprehensive teachings I have ever experienced. TCC not only provides a nice balance of theory and practical but also provides a teaching style and curriculum that can be modified with ease to suit different audiences. Also, by building a strong, positive relationship with the students, the TCC team continuously motivates the students to give their very best. Moreover, the focus on intrinsic values like discipline, determination and self-belief fosters the overall growth and development of a person.
The customised GD-PI-WAT teaching focusing on each individual’s strengths and weaknesses is rare to experience. The emphasis on development of verbal and non-verbal skills along with the enhancement of one’s knowledge helps one differentiate from the crowd. The training provided us with practical tools which not only helped us in our business schools but also do so our work lives. I feel confident in applying the various approaches to different situations that come knocking at my door.
Sometimes it’s the importance of the simplest things that we fail to realise. The TCC journey made us realise those. Tangible (in terms of Crystal Clear Concepts) as well as intangible facets (like Perseverance, Passion and Commitment). The learnings and values inculcated during the course of the journey extend to Business School entrance examinations in particular and life in general. It was truly a transformational and memorable journey which I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Name: Shubham Kakrania
School: Birla High
College: J. D. Birla (BBA)
Business School: Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), Mumbai
The TCC Journey is a journey to remember and cherish for life.
TCC brought about a metamorphosis in me. The CAT and GDPI preparation was indeed towards a holistic development.
I would always be grateful to TCC because it helped me realize my potential and it kept me motivated.
Joining TCC was absolutely a blessing. I am thankful to TCC for laying down a bedrock of Crystal Clear values that upholds my success.
The TCC Journey was the best experience of my life.
The TCC Journey is a journey to remember and cherish for life. The TCC CAT preparation is entirely based on Crystal Clear Concepts. I would always be grateful to TCC because it helped me realize my potential and it kept me motivated.
The TCC GD-PI preparation was the best experience of my life. It brought about a metamorphosis in me. This training was a very fun-filled experience and made me strongly believe that intangibles matter the most. The training was indeed towards a holistic development.
I am thankful that I took the right decision of joining TCC. It was absolutely a blessing. I thoroughly enjoyed The TCC Journey and I am thankful to TCC for laying down a bedrock of Crystal Clear values that upholds my success.

Name: Gunjeeta Jaju
School: St. Helen’s ; Loreto House
College: IEM (B.Tech)
Business School: Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), Delhi
TCC is a premier business school before going to one. My transformation has been mind boggling. This life-altering journey made me much more confident and knowledgeable.
TCC changed my life for good. The Plan of Actions coupled with the discipline helped me immensely in developing the mental strength that an education in management demands. Every single day spent at TCC has been amazing to the core.
TCC is family. I feel extremely blessed and fortunate to be a part of this family. I will forever be indebted to Sir and to Ma’am for transforming me as an individual and changing my perspective towards studies in particular and towards life in general.
The focus on Crystal Clear Concepts during the TCC CAT coaching cannot be overstated. Sir and Ma’am made sure that I abided by this philosophy. The relentless motivation and the rigorous environment already made me experience a business school before going to one. The transformation that I went through has been mind boggling. The Plan of Actions coupled with the discipline helped me immensely in developing the mental strength that an education in management demands.
The metamorphosis that I went through during the TCC GD-PI training is something that cannot be explained in words. It can only be felt. It did not just help me to get into one of the best business schools of the country but will continue to guide me towards the path of excellence. Having experienced this life-altering journey, I feel much more confident and knowledgeable as an individual.
Ever since I joined TCC, my life changed for good. Not only did it help me realize my dreams but also ensured that those dreams were no longer mine alone. TCC is much more than an institute to prepare for MBA-entrance examinations and GD-PI. It is family. And I feel extremely blessed and fortunate to be a part of this family. Every single day spent here has been amazing to the core.
The best CAT preparation in Kolkata and in India – TCC.
The best GD-PI-WAT preparation in Kolkata and in India – TCC.
The best training for life – TCC.
I will forever be indebted to Sir and to Ma’am for transforming me as an individual and changing my perspective towards studies in particular and towards life in general.
I could indeed attain my pot of gold in the form of Sir and Ma’am in TCC.

Name: Harsh Parasrampuria
School: Don Bosco, Liluah
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Xavier School of Management (XLRI), Jamshedpur
I took my CAT and GD-PI-WAT coachings from TCC – the best decision of my life.
A one-of-a-kind training in the entire subcontinent and beyond.
CAT coaching - World Class
GD-PI-WAT coaching - World Class
Teaching, Concepts, Logic - World Class
Care, Personal attention and Commitment - Beyond world class
The best CAT coaching in Kolkata and more importantly the best CAT coaching in India.
The best GD-PI-WAT coaching in Kolkata and more importantly the best GD-PI-WAT coaching in India. This is what is TCC.
From the root to the zenith is the apt remark for The TCC Journey (CAT & GD-PI coaching). CAT and GD-PI-WAT lessons are just a subset of the parallel universe that TCC provides. Academic concepts and, more importantly, life concepts that are taught are the foundation pillars for belling the CAT, GD-PI-WAT and for the life ahead. It is actually a training for life.
I did not take any CAT mocks from elsewhere. My friends who did had to tell that the TCC online tests (mocks) were the best and closest to CAT.
The TCC training & the TCC online tests were more than enough for me to excel in all the exams - CAT - 99.2, XAT - 99.7, SNAP - 98.8, NMAT - 98
The TCC Journey helped me (a B.Com & a fresher) enter, win various all India competitions and dominate the proceedings at XLRI amongst 360 sharpest minds in the country comprising mostly top Engineers and people having work experience in top companies.
I was the national winner of the General Management competition, got rank 1 in the consulting competition and many more top ranks. I crossed numerous rounds of testing all of which I had already experienced, practiced and mastered at TCC during the CAT classes and during the GD-PI-WAT classes. The Marketing Concepts learned at TCC helped me bag an exclusive Live Research project with the French counterpart of the Marketing Professor at XLRI.
I can proudly attribute all my achievements to TCC. TCC transformed me from an average undergraduate to an outstanding young professional. Many TCCians are making a mark regularly and nationally all thanks to The TCC Journey.
TCC was a life-changing experience and learning for life. Thank you Sir, Ma’am & the TCC team for changing so many lives including mine.

Name: Jaishree Dudani
School: Sacred Heart Convent School, Jamshedpur
College: St. Xavier’s (B.Com)
Business School: S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai
The TCC Journey is an experience to be cherished, to be remembered and to be applied throughout life.
I aspired to learn Mathematics, Reasoning, English and GD-PI per se, but I ended up learning so much more than just that.
TCC managed to change hundreds of lives in general and mine in particular.
The TCC training has been a metamorphosis for me.
This is indeed a training for life.
The TCC CAT training has been a journey of a lifetime. When I joined this institute, I aspired to learn Mathematics, Reasoning and English per se, but I ended up learning so much more than just that. The meticulously planned classes, the unique pedagogy and the life changing Plan of Actions had been the cornerstone of the eighteen months that I spent here. The emphasis given on Crystal Clear Concepts and disciplined studying is what makes TCC stand out and as rightly proclaimed, this is a training for life.
One of the most significant and evident change that occurs in any TCC student happens because of the GD PI training. It is an experience to be cherished, to be remembered and to be applied throughout life. The skill set and confidence that I attained after these two months made me realise what tangiblising the intangibles actually meant and whatever I am right now and will be in the future is because of this institute and the people in it.
Perseverance, Passion, Commitment are the words which are gospel for every individual who has been a part of this institute in some way or the other. Words which seem so ordinary, managed to change hundreds of lives in general, and mine in particular. The TCC training has been a metamorphosis for me. The relationships that I have built and the values that I have acquired have become an integral part of my journey; a journey that would be incomplete without Sir, Ma’am and the entire TCC team.

Name: Shubham Sanganeria
School: Don Bosco, Liluah
College: IEM (B.Tech)
Business School: Xavier School of Management (XLRI), Delhi
We can learn English, Mathematics & LRDI from a number of sources but only the TCC CAT classes taught them in Crystal Clear manner.
The TCC GDPI preparation is the best in India. TCC is the best “Business School” in the entire planet. It was doing an MBA without doing one.
The most unique facet of TCC is the astonishing personalisation & customisation.
TCC also increased my mental strength considerably. Only TCC taught how to live life in its truest sense.
The Overall Development was the biggest gift of the TCC Journey (CAT & GD-PI classes) which made us ‘Future Ready’.
TCC indeed is the Home of Crystal Clear Concepts.
The TCC CAT classes were unique & life-changing. We can learn English, Mathematics & LRDI from a number of sources but only TCC taught them in Crystal Clear manner. Only TCC taught how to live life in its truest sense.
The continuous backup facility at TCC ensures that we do not miss a single class. The TCC Mock tests, the TCC Test Platform and the environment & the experience at the TCC Computer Laboratory were congruent to the CAT day.
Some things can only be experienced and cannot be put to words. Such is our Sir & Ma’am. It is my honour and privilege getting to know such great souls. They were always there whenever and whatever we required.
The TCC GDPI preparation is the best in India. TCC is the best “Business School” in the entire planet. A perfect exposure to the rigours of education, tight deadlines, public speaking and teamwork. A constant imparting of GK and a complete coverage of the basics of Finance, HR and Marketing. It was doing an MBA without doing one.
It also prepared us for our future life thereby making us “Future Ready”. The most unique exposure which I am sure one cannot get anywhere except TCC is the personalisation & customisation that TCC offers. The most astonishing experience for me throughout this journey was being told things about me by Sir & Ma’am which I myself did not know. Thus, I can safely say that this journey changed me thoroughly and for good.
The Overall Development was the biggest gift I have received from the TCC Journey (CAT & GD-PI classes). TCC has increased my mental strength considerably. Invaluable hobbies of reading books and newspapers have been inculcated in me permanently.
Thus, I believe TCC offers a course on Overall Development along with Crystal Clear Concepts.
The juxtaposition of these factors gave each one of us an experience of a lifetime, which we will remember till our final breath.

Name: Sonal Kanodia
School: Loreto Day ; Loreto House
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Xavier School of Management (XLRI), Jamshedpur
The TCC CAT preparation is exhaustive and more than sufficient for CAT. The immense personal attention given to each and every student by Sir and Ma'am provides the much-needed mentorship and is the distinguished advantage available to us (only the TCC students).
Initially, most of us do not understand the importance of the TCC discipline but on hindsight we realise how it has influenced us as individuals and brought about in us a huge and a positive transformation.
The TCC CAT preparation is exhaustive and more than sufficient for CAT easily making it the best CAT coaching. The immense personal attention given to each and every student by Sir and Ma'am provides the much-needed mentorship and is the distinguished advantage available to us (only the TCC students).
The TCC GD-PI-WAT preparation is very enriching and helpful. It is the best GD-PI-WAT coaching possible. We are trained about all possible situations that may crop up at the interviews and group discussions and therefore helping us to be ahead of the majority. The sessions in complete formals help us get accustomed to the environment and helps us to be at ease in the business school and corporate discussions and interviews.
Joining TCC initially gives us all a jolt, forcing us into an immensely disciplined lifestyle, with Sir and Ma'am constantly guiding us. Most of us do not understand its importance initially, but on hindsight we realise how it has influenced us as individuals. Like Sir has always maintained, it is about the process and the journey and not about the destination. TCC has helped begin my journey and I am sure that the guidance by Sir and Ma'am is always there and that it will ensure my journey is a long and a glorious one. TCC has become to me, a place I can always drop in at without a second thought, whenever I seek help or guidance. For this, I will always be thankful to the entire TCC team.

Name: Yashwant Kedia
School: Lakshmipat Singhania Academy
College: St. Xavier’s (B.Com)
Business School: Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon
My primary takeaway from TCC is the philosophy that emphasizes the importance of becoming better human beings.
What sets TCC apart from all the other institutes is the focus on developing Good Samaritans in the truest sense of the word.
The preparation for CAT and GD-PI-WAT are merely add-ons to the greater mission of TCC.
The focus on mastering the concepts before we dive in headfirst into applying what we have learnt serves us in good stead when we have to grapple with the various twist and turns that the examination in particular and life in general hurls at us. This holistic and structured approach to teaching during the TCC CAT preparation makes it lucid to consume and comprehend and in an efficient manner.
The ability to communicate, a fortuitous accident for mankind, is what sets us apart from the other beings. The GD-PI-WAT preparation at TCC plays a pivotal role in honing the art of communication. I entered the portals of the institute as a shy and soft-spoken student and emerged as a confident and well-rounded individual.
My primary takeaway from TCC is the philosophy that emphasizes the importance of education not just to further our careers but education towards becoming better human beings. What sets TCC apart from all the other institutes is the focus on developing Good Samaritans in the truest sense of the word. The preparation for CAT and GD-PI-WAT are merely add-ons to the greater mission of TCC.

Name: Shailja Bagri
School: Shree Bharati
College: Jadavpur University (B.E.)
Business School: IIT, Madras (MBA)
The TCC CAT coaching has been one of the most value-adding experiences of my life till date which taught me innumerable lessons for CAT and more importantly for life.
I got the grasp of Mathematics concepts like never before, that too being an engineer from a top college.
The TCC GD-PI coaching seemed like a prologue to a business school. I felt like I had already joined a premier business school then.
Sir, Ma’am & the TCC team are like a family to help their children achieve the zenith of their endeavours.
TCC is the best CAT coaching center and TCC has been the BEST experience of my life till date.
The TCC CAT coaching has been one of the most value-adding experiences of my life till date. I got an opportunity to learn innumerable lessons over here. This was not only about the concepts to crack CAT or for that matter any other entrance examination, but also about how to face situations impromptu. Yes, definitely my concepts have become Crystal Clear after the CAT exam preparation at TCC. I got the grasp of Mathematics concepts like never before, that too being an engineer from a top college. I can also proudly say that I had once again got an opportunity to live a school life through this training.
The TCC GD-PI coaching seemed like a prologue to a business school. I felt like I had already joined a premier business school then. I have learnt a lot about management from this training. This training taught me to face the worst-case scenarios be it GDs, PIs or WATs. It definitely served the purpose of converting calls and how to live a better life despite all odds. It has transformed me dramatically.
Not only The TCC Journey would enable the budding managers (or rather I should say Sir’s & Ma'am's “children”) to crack the MBA-entrance examinations, but also it would help them to crack the various examinations of life. The entire TCC team is like a family to help their children achieve the zenith of their endeavours.
TCC is not only the best CAT coaching center, it has been the BEST experience of my life till date.

Name: Md Safdar
School: National High ; St. Thomas, Dasnagar
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai
The TCC CAT tuition taught the knowledge, the skills and the attitude required for CAT in particular and for life in general. It prepares one for the worst-case scenario.
Opting for the TCC GD-PI tuition is one of the best decisions of my life. It transformed me phenomenally.
TCC is not just a coaching institute, it is a training for life. Having taken both the CAT and the GD-PI coaching at TCC, I can safely conclude that it does not get any better than this, at least not within the bounds of my imagination. No wonder that TCC offers the best CAT coaching and the best GDPI coaching as well.
The TCC CAT coaching was rigorous in every sense of the word. In addition to crystal clear knowledge, the classes also taught me the importance of skills and attitude required to crack management examinations in particular and to be successful in life in general. What the training actually does is that it prepares one for the worst-case scenario.
Opting for the TCC GD-PI coaching is one of the best decisions I have taken in my life. It transformed me to the extent that during interviews, I could analyse situations and circumstances better than most and I was equipped with multiple answers to almost every question thrown at me.
TCC was not just a training for a few management entrance examinations, it was a training for life. Having taken both the CAT and the GD-PI coaching at TCC, I can safely conclude that it does not get any better than this, at least not within the bounds of my imagination. No wonder that TCC offers the best CAT coaching and the best GDPI coaching as well.

Name: Nikita Agarwal
School: Nirmala Convent, Siliguri
College: Sikkim Manipal (B.Tech)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad
The way the timeline, the structure, the curriculum, the test series for the TCC CAT coaching has all been designed is just flawless and perfect.
The TCC GD PI WAT coaching is by far the best training I have undergone.
TCC trains one for life. Discipline, punctuality, deadlines, commitment and the never-give-up attitude are all etched within me. These made my life a lot simpler at IIM-A.
I am always going to be grateful to Sir, Ma’am and The TCC Team for training me for life.
The curriculum and structure followed in TCC is not merely for clearing CAT. The training is sufficient to clear almost any examination that concerns Mathematics and English as TCC focuses enormously on Crystal Clear Concepts. Every single topic is dealt with in minute details relating every concept with their practical applications. This ensures that students do not have to memorise any formulae, it is only about understanding and applying the required concepts. As far as The TCC CAT coaching is concerned, the timeline, the structure of the course, various types of test papers and the way it has all been designed is just flawless and perfect.
Intelligence has become a commodity today. So, if there is anything that can distinguish one in the crowd, it is soft skills and that is the purpose behind the GD PI WAT coaching of TCC. It is by far the best training I have undergone and I am sure the feeling is going to be the same for everyone who has traversed this journey like me. This training builds self-confidence and helps create habits that will stay with us forever. The need to stay updated with the current trends, macro and micro economic situation of the country in particular and the world at large cannot be understated and this training rightly taught me how to fulfill this need amongst others.
Saying that TCC trains for getting admissions into premier business schools will be an understatement as TCC trains one for life and prepares one to face the world confidently. Besides providing a glimpse of how life would be in a premier business school, TCC helped me inculcate qualities that are imperative for one to succeed in life. The importance of discipline, punctuality, deadlines, commitment and the never-give-up attitude is etched within me. This made my life a lot simpler than I ever thought at IIM-A. I am always going to be grateful to Sir, Ma’am and The TCC Team for training me for life.

Name: Yash Nyati
School: Gitanjali Devshala, Hyderabad ; Gitanjali Senior School, Hyderabad
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad
TCC not only exposed us to Crystal Clear Concepts in the most comprehensive manner possible but also gave us the requisite mental push and motivation needed to ace CAT.
The TCC CAT coaching and the TCC GD-PI-WAT coaching are unique and unrivalled.
The prime focus on making us better beings rather than better just for an examination is what puts TCC in an entirely different league altogether.
What's the point of Crystal Clear Concepts without the equally important motivation, will and determination? That, in my opinion was the most important issue addressed during the TCC CAT coaching. Not only were we exposed to concepts in the most comprehensive manner, but we also got the requisite mental push and motivation needed to ace a gruelling and taxing examination like CAT. In retrospect, the focus on nuances of the test - something as (ostensibly) trivial as sitting in one place for 3 hours continuously, made a huge positive impact in the end.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT coaching was truly a life changing experience. The practice GD, WAT and PI sessions were extremely potent in removing the mental fear about attending a real business school interview. To top it all off, the biggest advantage of this training was the focus on developing the personality of the student as a whole rather than a sole myopic focus on helping the student clear interviews.
The entire TCC journey can be explained only in the following clichéd phrase - "A roller coaster ride". The TCC CAT coaching and the TCC GD-PI-WAT coaching are unique and unrivalled. The prime focus on making the students better beings rather than better just for competitive examinations is what puts TCC in an entirely different league altogether.
The training was indeed for life and my admission into a top business school would not have been possible if not for TCC.

Name: Aditi Shah
School: St. Thomas’ Girls’ School
College: Amity University (B.Tech)
Business School: T. A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI), Manipal
The coaching at TCC for CAT exam preparation was a complete package with the curriculum, the Plan of Actions and the motivational talks.
The GD-PI coaching was the best possible. From 0 to 100, everything was covered.
TCC has helped me learn a lot in life. TCC improved both my aptitude and attitude and brought about a metamorphosis in me.
My life would have been incomplete without The TCC Journey.
The curriculum, the Plan of Actions and the motivational talks, at TCC for CAT exam coaching, made it a complete package which made CAT a cakewalk for me. Regular assignments and the methodology of teaching made it easier for the students to follow every class and participate in class discussions or as we call it ‘brainstorm’ with Sir. Overall, without the TCC CAT coaching I would have never learnt the true meaning of hard work.
The best GD-PI coaching possible. From 0 to 100, everything was covered. All types of questions, all possible scenarios including all the cross questions possible. The TCC Journey would have remained incomplete without the GD-PI coaching. Personality development and both hard and soft skills were taken care of to a T.
Before I joined TCC, I was a different person and 20 months down the lane I have become a different person. From casual and lazy to hard working and responsible and from sleeping for 12 hours a day to having a disciplined study schedule, TCC has helped me learn a lot in life. My life would have been incomplete without the TCC journey. With the amount of effort Ma’am and Sir put in, getting into a good b-school was a cakewalk. TCC improved both my aptitude and attitude.
TCC is the best coaching not only for CAT and GDPI but also for life.

Name: Akash Rungta
School: St.James'
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai
The TCC Journey (CAT coaching & GDPI coaching) is a life changing one.
I am blessed to have got another family here.
TCC created a parallel universe for me which helped me focus on my goals.
TCC helped me evolve not only as an MBA aspirant but also as a person.
The personal guidance ensured that I was light years ahead of the cut-throat competition.
The TCC CAT coaching proved lock, stock, and barrel that 'Crystal Clear Concepts' is indeed the foundation on which castles of success are built. The pedagogy at TCC entailed coverage of both best- and worst-case scenarios and thus equipped us to tackle any situation. Above all, the unflinching commitment from Ma’am, Sir and the entire TCC team is inspirational.
The GDPI coaching helped me bring out the best version of myself. The institute specific sessions helped me streamline my preparation. The training exposed me to different kinds of GDs, PIs and WATs which equipped me with the various parameters of evaluation. The personal guidance provided by Sir & Ma’am helped me leverage my past achievements and be light years ahead of the cut-throat competition.
The TCC Journey is a life changing one. I am blessed to have got another family here. TCC created a parallel universe for me which helped me focus on my goals. The constant reality checks from Sir and Ma’am helped me evolve not only as an MBA aspirant but also as a person. "I am here not to give you fish, but to teach you fishing." These words by Sir will always remind me of the importance of being disciplined, responsible and accountable and will make me strive for constant improvement.

Name: Ankita Poddar
School: Modern High
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), Delhi
The TCC Journey (CAT and GDPI & WAT preparation) is amazingly structured and aptly rigorous which not only encompasses preparation for CAT but also for life. The highly customised POAs (Plan of Action) and class proceedings went a long way in shaping and moulding my personality to match the expectations of a top business school. TCC honed and polished my soft skills to near perfection. 'Crystal Clear Concepts' enabled me to sail through the tide of difficulties that cropped up in the examinations in particular and in life in general. Last but not the least, Sir truly "weaved magic" with my handling of my family business in the interviews.
The TCC CAT preparation is amazingly structured and aptly rigorous which not only encompasses preparation for competitive examinations, but also for life in general. The highly customised POAs (Plan of Action) and class proceedings went a long way in shaping and moulding my personality to match the expectations of a top business school. With the gospel of 'Crystal Clear Concepts' truly imbibed in me, I have been able to sail through the tide of difficulties that cropped up in the examinations in particular and in life in general.
The TCC GD-PI preparation equips us with the tools to handle all possible evaluations that we may encounter and prepares us to put our best foot forward even in the worst-case scenario. The training honed and polished my soft skills to near perfection. Sir truly "weaved magic" with my handling of my family business in the interviews.
The initial days of the TCC Journey were tough, the later days were sweet. Today, I miss the relentless brainstorming of Sir’s classes and the peals of laughter of Ma'am's classes. The training has been enriching and has changed my outlook towards several things in life (for the better). I feel truly privileged to have been a part of this esteemed institution and learn under the patronage and tutorage of Sir, Ma'am and the entire TCC team!

Name: Kapil Gupta
School: South Point
College: Bhawanipur (B.Com)
Business School: Xavier Institute of Management (XIM), Bhubaneshwar
I wonder in amazement as to how, at TCC, the ordinary in me passed away bit-by-bit making way for the professional, confident and more than ordinary personality in me.
Apart from the improvement in academics, the development of character has been so profound that people compliment that I have changed for good.
Words are not enough to describe The TCC Journey (CAT and GD-PI-WAT tuition) that was allegedly meant for competitive exams but was clandestinely meant for life.
Being in TCC has been like a visit to those temples where the mind and the soul transform forever.
The experience of learning from TCC, the best CAT coaching in India and the best GDPI coaching in India, too, cannot be communicated. It has to be experienced.
The TCC coaching was a perfect bootcamp where the structured, detailed and exhaustive Plan of Actions were the stepping stones for my impending success. The methodology at TCC was learning the basics first in Crystal Clear terms and subsequently transcending towards complex problems. Sir and Ma’am would readily clear all doubts and the mental conditioning inculcated was more than enough not only for CAT in particular but any competition whatsoever in general.
During the GD-PI-WAT training I realised my true potential and it is here that I was exposed to the personality traits that a manager will have to possess. The TCC team leaves no stone unturned in providing special attention to every student and this was evidently manifested when I was able to convert every single business school interview. The faculty members, their training and the practice interviews were such a morale booster that the battle had already been won inside the TCC campus and the real interviews were just a formality.
Being associated with the TCC family for 20 months has been the most fortunate blessing where Sir and Ma’am were parents first and teachers later. Looking back now, I wonder in amazement as to how the ordinary in me passed away bit-by-bit making way for the professional, self-confident and more than ordinary personality in me. Being in TCC has been like a visit to those temples where the mind and the soul transform forever. Apart from the improvement in academics, the development of character has been so profound that people compliment that I have changed for good. Words are not enough and all lexicons will fall short to describe the process that was allegedly meant for competitive exams but was clandestinely meant for life.

Name: Vaishali Sabherwal
School: Aditya Academy ; Bhavan's Gangabux
College: St. Xavier's (B.Sc)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow
TCC is the best CAT and GDPI coaching in Kolkata.
The way every concept was taught for CAT with a focus on the learning is unmatchable.
The personal touch to the entire training will always remain with me.
The GDPI classes are such that even business schools cannot match them.
Adjusting to the challenges at IIM, Lucknow was easy for me.
TCC gave me an edge over others. I owe so much to TCC.
The TCC CAT coaching was a unique experience in itself for me. The way every concept was taught, with a focus on the learning and not solely on the solving of problems, helped develop complete understanding and gave me the confidence of solving any problem related to that concept. The personal touch to the entire training by Sir and Ma'am was something that will always remain with me as the best memory from The TCC Journey. I believe the TCC way of learning is unmatchable anywhere.
The GDPI coaching was extremely useful for me, given that I was scared of public speaking and jittery in interviews. It changed me to a great extent. Be it the communication classes or the marketing sessions, these sessions are such which even business schools cannot match. The TCC interviews have been the most in-depth and well-conducted interviews I have appeared for. They prepared me for even the worst interviews. The GDPI training process was one where I could understand my strengths and weaknesses and also myself.
Thinking back, I believe that the learning from the TCC coaching is best in Kolkata. It developed confidence in me. From a person extremely scared of public speaking, it changed me to a person who could speak in front of 400 people in a business school (IIM, Lucknow). I owe so much to TCC. I truly experienced a business school before going to one. Adjusting to the long hours or to the punctuality maintained in a business school, or knowing how to dress formally, nothing was difficult or new for me. Definitely, TCC gave me an edge over others.

Name: Md Shadab
School: Elias Meyer ; Birla High
College: Goenka (B.Com)
Business School: Xavier Institute of Management (XIM), Bhubaneswar
TCC taught me the importance of honesty, discipline and punctuality.
The ethics and values taught here will be with me for a lifetime.
The personal attention that one gets here is incomparable.
I have never got such special attention anywhere in my entire life.
TCC is indeed the epitome of customisation.
More than what to study, TCC emphasised on how to study. Every concept was taught from scratch to a level way above CAT or any other entrance examination. The Plan of Actions and tête-à-têtes (one-to-one sessions) taught me that every insurmountable challenge can be overcome. The TCC CAT study material is the best. Sir's discipline, love and motivation always inspired me to give my best. I realised the importance of everything that I was taught in TCC on the D-day. The TCC Journey can only be experienced and can never be expressed in words.
The TCC GD-PI Journey in its true sense was never just for Business Schools but for life. TCC has made me a confident person. I always wanted to work on my public speaking skills but could never do anything about it. TCC lit the torch of faith in me that I can go on stage and deliver a speech, if required. I will always be indebted to Ma'am and Sir for teaching me to always look at life with a positive attitude. Every facet of GD and PI was taught which made sure that I do not make any mistake on the D-Day. I had more exhaustive interviews at TCC than at actual Business Schools.
TCC taught me the importance of honesty, discipline, and punctuality. I might forget the concepts taught here but the ethics and values taught here will be with me for a lifetime. The personal attention that one gets here is incomparable. I have never got such special attention anywhere in my entire life. It is indeed an epitome of customisation. Sir and Ma'am will always have a special place in my life and TCC will always be home to me.

Name: Avantika Tikmany
School: Modern High School For Girls
College: St. Xavier’s (B.Sc)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Indore
The TCC CAT coaching is unique in its design, and unparalleled in its execution. It transcends the boundaries of text-book learning, and focusses on a more holistic development.
The TCC GD-PI tuition extends far beyond the walls of the corporate world, and succeeds in imparting valuable lessons for life.
TCC was far more than an institute, it became a home away from home. It imparted the Crystal Clear Concepts of life - lessons that I will deeply cherish for aeons to come.
The TCC CAT coaching is unique in its design, and unparalleled in its execution. It transcends the boundaries of text-book learning, and focusses on knowledge, backed by Crystal Clear Concepts, as the key towards a more holistic development. The structured curriculum, coupled with the Laboratory Tests in a D-day environment, and the relentless motivation from Sir and Ma'am go a long way in preparing us for any challenge that may be thrown in our way.
The TCC GD-PI coaching gives us an insight into the rigorous environment that life at any premier business school entails, and thoroughly prepares us for the same. It not only enables us to garner the requisite skill-set, but also helps us to adopt a more pragmatic approach, and most importantly, to develop as a person. The training extends far beyond the walls of the corporate world, and succeeds in imparting valuable lessons for life.
TCC succeeded in becoming far more than an institute, it essentially became a home away from home. In this journey, Sir and Ma'am served as guiding lights, in the pathway towards success. TCC never taught us to simply prepare for an examination, but imparted to us the Crystal Clear Concepts of life - lessons that I will deeply cherish for aeons to come.

Name: Sanmay Bhaumik
School: St. James'
College: Prafulla Chandra (B.Com)
Business School: Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM), Pune
The motivation and the push I received from the TCC CAT coaching classes gave me the extra energy that I required. It helped me focus and prepared me mentally and physically for the challenges ahead.
There has always been a yawning gap between what I think and what I am able to produce under pressure. The TCC GD-PI preparation closed this gap like never before.
Sir and Ma’am will always be so much more special to us. Under their tutelage, mentorship, guidance and care I did a lot of growing up.
The experience and the values inculcated will last me a lifetime.
The motivation and the push I received from the TCC CAT coaching classes gave me the extra energy that I required. It helped me focus and prepared me mentally and physically for the challenges ahead. The tests are continuously updated to match the standards and formats of all the Entrance Examinations and provide us with a big advantage over the competition.
There has always been a yawning gap between what I think and what I am able to produce under pressure. The TCC GD-PI preparation closed this gap like never before. It takes us through many possible situations. By the time the Business Schools come calling, we get a feeling of “been there done that”.
The TCC experience is so much more than just classes to crack Premier Business Schools. While that happens as well, it brings to us so much more. I realised how limited my knowledge about the world was and have developed a thirst for knowledge. Sir and Ma’am will always be so much more special to us than other teachers specifically because they treat us as their own children and not as students. Under their tutelage, mentorship, guidance and care I did a lot of growing up. It might just have been a year but the experience and the values inculcated will last me a lifetime.

Name: Nabanita Dutta
School: Calcutta Girls'
College: Shikshayatan (B.Com)
Business School: Xavier Institute of Management (XIM), Bhubaneshwar
TCC taught us how to build a castle of dreams.
TCC taught us how giving up is for the lesser mortals.
The TCC Journey has changed my way of looking at life forever.
I can never thank TCC enough for not giving me the fish but teaching me fishing.
The TCC training is an experience to be cherished for an entire lifetime and I am privileged to have been a part of it.
The CAT preparation at TCC has been an experience of a lifetime. The well-structured classes and the personalised care and attention given to each student here is unparalleled. The tête-à-tête (one-to-one sessions) conducted by Sir, the regular interactions with Sir and Ma’am towards clearing doubts and the Plan of Action classes made our journey smooth. This journey taught us how to dream big. The lessons we have learnt here towards CAT and the discipline we have inculcated in us will remain with us forever. It was indeed a training for a lifetime.
The GD-PI preparation at TCC equipped us with all the intangibles to ace through any GD-PI we will face in our entire lifetime. The fear of facing an interview is gone forever. The training recreates a premier business school ambience. This journey has built my confidence and has changed my way of life forever.
TCC taught us how to build a castle of dreams. It taught me how giving up is for the lesser mortals. The journey has changed my way of looking at life forever. I can never thank TCC enough for not giving me the fish but teaching me fishing. An experience to be cherished for an entire lifetime is what TCC training is all about and I am privileged to have been a part of it.

Name: Shrey Toshniwal
School: The Heritage
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow
The well planned and structured classes is the highlight of the TCC CAT exam preparation. The constant motivation helps to increase productivity.
The best part about the GD PI WAT preparation is that it helps to remove the fear of public speaking and improves confidence.
The lessons learnt at TCC will help throughout life. The personalized attention one receives is second to none and the bond which one creates here is a very special one.
The well planned and structured classes is the highlight of the TCC CAT exam preparation. The assignments in class helps a lot in value addition. The constant push and motivation help to increase productivity.
The best part about the GD PI WAT preparation is that it helps to remove the fear of public speaking. Not only does it help with the verbal communication but also helps to improve the confidence as well as removes inhibitions.
TCC does not just focus on preparing one for MBA-entrance perspective. The lessons learnt here will help throughout life. The personalized attention one receives is second to none and the bond which one creates here is a very special one.
No wonder that it is the best CAT coaching, the best GD-PI-WAT coaching and the best overall.

Name: Nisha Jain
School: St. Thomas' Church, Howrah
College: Goenka (B.Com)
Business School: Xavier School of Management (XLRI), Jamshedpur
The personalised attention one gets at TCC and the relentless effort by the TCC faculty, to help us improve, not only academically, but also, as a person, is what makes TCC special and way ahead of similar institutes.
The TCC Journey is beautifully planned and one starts feeling the difference in the subsequent classes itself because of the customised feedback on a continuous basis.
There was so much to learn that it would take a lifetime for me to acknowledge the takeaways from the training.
The TCC Journey (CAT tuition and GD-PI-WAT tuition) is an experience of a lifetime and, indeed, a training for life.
The TCC CAT Journey has evolved my concepts and me as a person. While words of appreciation & motivation greeted us on even answering a simple question correctly, we were given customised feedback when things went wrong. Each concept class was a brain-storming session, with an array of questions hurled at us, which enhanced our thinking. The study material, the online support & the test series were comprehensive and sufficient. The personalised attention one gets here, with a constant watch on one’s actions & inactions and the relentless effort by the TCC faculty, to help us improve, not only academically, but also, as a person, is what makes TCC special and way ahead of others.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT Training has brought about a metamorphosis in me. Getting trained by Sir & Ma’am, honing up my communication skills under their guidance, has helped me perform with great confidence & success in my GDs & PIs in particular, and life in general. The training brings out the best in a person. The curriculum is beautifully planned, and one starts feeling the difference in one’s actions, in the subsequent classes itself, because of the customised feedback on a continuous basis. The concept classes along with the practice sessions proved to be very helpful, and helped us get miles ahead of the competition.
The TCC training has made me a better person, to say the least. Each day at TCC has been a learning experience, both academically & otherwise. Importance of punctuality, coping with the competitive class environment, the ingredients of the training have been stepping stones towards my overall development. The examples set by Sir & Ma’am, the amount of commitment & passion they show towards their work, has always inspired me. There was so much to learn that it would take a lifetime for me to acknowledge the takeaways from the training. The intangibles of the journey have made it an experience of a lifetime. The TCC Journey (CAT tuition and GD-PI-WAT tuition) was, indeed, a training for life.

Name: Divyanshu Mahansaria
School: La Martiniere for Boys
College: St. Xavier’s (BBA)
Business School: Did not pursue MBA
The TCC experience has been totally life-altering for me. This training is both of a lifetime and for a lifetime. I feel much better equipped as I strive towards achieving both my professional and personal goals.
Today, in my capacity as a businessman, I find myself continuously using concepts and skills that I had learnt during my training at TCC.
The learning, the training and the guidance that I received during the TCC CAT tuitions and the TCC GD PI WAT tuitions were no less than an MBA in itself.
In some sense, TCC indeed is the best MBA institute.
The TCC CAT training prepares one for the rather intimidating CAT examination with much clarity and confidence. Each concept was simplified and explained with so much ease and logic, that those concepts and that kind of thinking process just gets ingrained in one's mind and helps her/him even beyond CAT and the other examinations.
The TCC GD-PI training is one of its kind. It goes beyond just preparing one for a business school and readies one with skills for their professional world and for their social interactions as well. Today, in my capacity as a businessman, I find myself continuously using concepts and skills that I had learnt during my training at TCC.
Initially, not being able to do an MBA (because of personal constraints) came as a major setback to me. But as the years have passed, I have realised that it is not just one route which would lead to our pot of gold. At TCC, I learned that it is our perseverance, passion and commitment towards our goals which is going to drive us.
Though I would’ve preferred to do an MBA, but today when I look back on my entrepreneurial journey it is not something I regret. The learning, the training and the guidance that I received during the TCC CAT tuitions and the TCC GD PI WAT tuitions were no less than an MBA in itself. In some sense, TCC indeed is the best MBA institute.
The TCC experience has been totally life-altering for me. This training is both of a lifetime and for a lifetime. I feel much better equipped as I strive towards achieving both my professional and personal goals.

Name: Gitika Tibrewala
School: St. Helen's, Kurseong ; Sushila Birla
College: J. D. Birla (BBA)
Business School: S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai
The TCC Journey (CAT & GD-PI tuitions) was one of the most exceptional & one of the most enriching experiences of my life. It was also so much fun.
TCC is the only place that can impart a googol amount of knowledge with a centillion amount of clarity and all of this taught with a googolplex amount of love.
In addition to the impeccable hard skill and soft skill development, it also brings about a drastic change in one’s perspective. The change in perspective is ethereal.
Thank you for training me for CAT and GD-PI in particular and for LIFE in general.
The TCC CAT classes are the best in Kolkata and they form one of the most exceptional experiences of my life. I always looked forward to the classes and each one of them unleashed in me a new desire to learn. The level of energy and enthusiasm in every class is something that one needs to experience. The essence of the journey was always the concepts and process by which they were made ‘CRYSTAL CLEAR.’ It believed in taking one step at a time but taking them flawlessly. It is only here that one learns to take the road less travelled, the path less smooth, and the turns less attractive.
The GD-PI preparation at TCC is a training for life. It was one of the most enriching experiences of my life. I saw myself evolve not only as an orator but also as a person. The training helped me break my chains that I never realized existed in the first place. In addition to polishing one’s skill-set, the training focuses on developing one’s mannerisms which really sets it apart. The sessions were all encompassing, interactive, culminating, and oh so much fun! The training armed me with the necessary weapons required to face all the group discussions, interviews and WATs that have and are yet to come my way.
TCC is the only place that can impart a googol amount of knowledge with a centillion amount of clarity and all of this taught with a googolplex amount of love. In addition to the impeccable hard skill and soft skill development The TCC Journey brings about, it also brings about a drastic change in one’s perspective. And, while scores are crucial, the change in perspective is ethereal.
Thank you for training me for CAT and GD-PI in particular and for LIFE in general. The best CAT coaching, the best GD-PI-WAT preparation and the best training for life. Truly, that it will never come back is what makes it so very special.

Name: Rishi Gupta
School: Julien Day
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai
TCC has indeed become a querencia for life.
As TCCians, we know we are always welcome with the most open arms and where there is someone to support us always.
The training has taught us to always walk on the right path.
TCC has indeed transformed my life to an immeasurable degree, made me conquer mountains I didn’t expect to see the pinnacle of and made me believe in myself.
I owe too much to TCC than I can ever possibly return.
The virtues of Perseverance, Passion & Commitment are the first stepping stones at TCC and are gradually ingrained into every cell. They form the bedrock of a solid foundation that would later lead to glory & success in life.
The TCC CAT course is remarkably designed and so are the myriad Assignments & Tests that cohesively transform the brain and brings the right attitude to face challenges and crack CAT with much ease.
Another huge advantage of TCC is the personal touch. The background of every student is understood and a customized Plan of Action is provided both for CAT and for GD-PI. No wonder that the GD-PI preparation starts along with the TCC CAT Journey to ensure that TCCians are miles ahead of the crowd.
What makes TCC unique is the continuous motivation by Sir, Ma’am & the TCC Team towards excellence, towards discipline and to be a better person. The training changes the student to a smarter personality, boost his confidence by notches, makes him a much better public speaker and a far more knowledgeable person. The etiquettes for a formal setup, the attitude necessary to survive in high pressure situations and to face & overcome adversity are some of the key takeaways. These are the qualities we need in the future. Thus, it is indeed ‘Training for Life.’
TCC has indeed become a querencia for life. As TCCians, we know it is a place we are always welcome with the most open arms and where there is someone to support us always. The training has taught us to always walk on the right path. It has indeed transformed my life to an immeasurable degree, made me conquer mountains I didn’t expect to see the pinnacle of and made me believe in myself. I owe too much to TCC than I can ever possibly return.
It would be an understatement to say that TCC is the best CAT coaching in Kolkata and also the best GDPI coaching in Kolkata. TCC is actually the best CAT coaching in India and also the best GDPI coaching in India.

Name: Srestha Ghosh
School: Loreto Day ; Loreto House
College: St. Xavier's (B.Sc)
Business School: S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai
The TCC CAT coaching was the most value-adding and fulfilling experience of my life. Sir and Ma'am did not just teach us crystal clear concepts, they taught us far more than all the textbooks combined.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT coaching is unprecedented and unmatched. The classes are absolutely fascinating and riveting, to say the least.
The TCC Journey for me has been surreal because there is and there can be nothing like TCC. TCC is home and I am proud to say I am a TCC Child. I wear it like a badge of honour as do the rest of us. Thank you for the best two years of my life.
The TCC CAT coaching, indeed the best CAT preparation, was without a doubt the most value-adding and fulfilling experience of my life. Sir and Ma'am did not just teach us crystal clear concepts, they taught us far more than all the textbooks combined. It has indeed been a training for life in every aspect.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT coaching, indeed the best GD-PI-WAT preparation, is unprecedented and unmatched. It gives students the exposure of a top business school without even stepping into one. The classes are absolutely fascinating and riveting, to say the least. I know that, I will be using and applying what I have learned here for years to come.
The phrases the best CAT coaching in Kolkata or for that matter the best CAT coaching in India do not do justice to what TCC is and what TCC does. It is another story that similarly TCC is far more than just the best GD-PI-WAT coaching in Kolkata or for that matter the best GD-PI-WAT coaching in India.
The entire TCC Journey for me has been surreal for the simple fact that there is and there can be nothing like TCC. The training is aptly called training for life. TCC has taught me so much more than I could ever imagine possible. Sir, Ma'am and the entire TCC team is a family that keeps growing every year and I am eternally grateful that I am now part of this family for life. TCC is home and I am proud to say I am a TCC child. I wear it like a badge of honour as do the rest of us. Thank you, Sir, Ma'am and the entire team for the best two years of my life.

Name: Mohit Agarwal
School: M.C.Kejriwal Vidyapeeth ; Abhinav Bharati High School
College: IEM (B.Tech)
Business School: Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM), Pune
The TCC CAT exam preparation was rigorous, exhaustive and personalised to such an extent that Sir and Ma’am started knowing me better than I actually knew myself.
The TCC GDPI preparation is a whole Management Programme of its own kind which is unmatched and the best anyone can get.
The TCC Journey has helped me evolve as a person step-by-step and was indeed the most enriching experience of my life.
The TCC CAT exam preparation was rigorous, exhaustive and personalised to such an extent that Sir and Ma’am started knowing me better than I actually knew myself. The classes not only gave me Crystal Clear Concepts but also helped me believe in myself and helped me know about the potential I had. The training helped me learn the aspects of life that I would be needing in the long run to survive in the ever-changing time. The concepts and learnings will always stay with us guiding us throughout. TCC provides the best CAT preparation in India.
The TCC GDPI coaching I believe is a whole Management Programme of its own kind which is unmatched and the best anyone can get. It helps us prepare not only for the selection process for various business schools but also for the main challenge that lies ahead of us, our life. The amount of time that the TCC team puts in for us is commendable. The transformation has been made in us from the root and it will forever stay with us. TCC also provides the best GDPI preparation in India.
The TCC Journey has helped me evolve as a person step-by-step. The training was indeed the most enriching experience of my life. It helped me push myself to an extent, I never thought I will be able to go. The training helped me develop skills and personality by notches. Overall, it made me a confident person with a firm belief in my own capabilities.
I shall be forever indebted to TCC for the fantastic journey and learnings for life. A journey which provided the best CAT coaching, the best GD-PI-WAT coaching and the best life coaching.

Name: Durga Nangalia
School: Mahadevi Birla World Academy
College: Techno India (B.Tech)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Kozhikode
The TCC CAT training has helped me build my self-confidence and prepared me to face any challenge in life. The unique approach in the form of Plan of Actions, one-to-one sessions, Crystal Clear Concepts and the learnings to excel not just in CAT but in all avenues of life, will always serve a guiding path in my life.
The GD-PI training at TCC is not just a training but a real-life preview to the world ahead. The TCC training has been designed individually for each student which makes it the best training institute not just for CAT preparation but for life preparation as well.
Thanks to Sir, Ma’am and the entire TCC team, the TCC Journey has been invaluable.
The rigorous and the extensive TCC CAT training has helped me build my self-confidence and prepared me to face any challenge in life. The unique approach in the form of Plan of Actions, one-to-one sessions, Crystal Clear Concepts and the learnings to excel not just in CAT but in all avenues of life, will always serve a guiding path in my life.
The GD-PI training at TCC is not just a training but a real-life preview to the world ahead. It has helped me to learn how to override the curves thrown in the way, which was a major boon for my interviews. For me, these classes and sessions cannot be just explained in words.
The TCC training has been designed individually for each student which makes it the best training institute not just for CAT preparation but for life preparation as well. Thanks to Sir and Ma’am, and the entire TCC team, the journey has been invaluable and has helped me enter one of the best business schools of the country.

Name: Prithwijit Mukherjee
School: South Point
College: Jadavpur University (B.E.)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
The TCC Journey focusses on the tangible (Crystal Clear Concepts) as well as intangible aspects (Perseverance, Passion and Commitment) needed to be successful.
It is a training for life. One realizes that the training is priceless when he/she notices the clear difference between him/her and any other peer in a business school (that too a top business school).
TCC is the best CAT institute and TCC is also the best GDPI preparation institute, additionally, TCC is the best in that it develops a system of values that helps one become a smarter and a better human being even in personal life.
The TCC CAT classes makes us focus on the tangible (Crystal Clear Concepts) as well as intangible aspects (Perseverance, Passion and Commitment) needed for clearing CAT. The structure and the methodology of the curriculum combine these aspects perfectly and makes us develop the necessary skills and confidence.
The TCC GD-PI preparation is a training for life. One realizes that the training is priceless when he/she notices the clear difference between him/her and any other peer in a business school (that too a top business school) in terms of personality, body language and other aspects of communication.
Looking back at The TCC Journey, I can only say that TCC is the best CAT coaching institute and TCC is also the best GDPI preparation institute, additionally, TCC is the best in that it develops a system of values that helps one become a smarter and a better human being even in personal life.

Name: Aaisha Modi
School: Ashok Hall
College: St. Xavier's (B.Sc.)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow
Words can certainly not do justice to my thoughts about the training and the support that I received at TCC.
The TCC CAT Classroom coaching is the best in Kolkata. The support provided is unmatchable and continuous. From crystal clear concepts to solutions to doubt clearing to planning to strategy for CAT and indeed for life, both Sir and Ma'am leave no stone unturned.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT preparation taught us priceless lessons for life. It was also so much fun which helped get rid of all fears and inhibitions.
Words can certainly not do justice to my thoughts about the training and the support that I received at TCC, but here is a mere endeavour.
The TCC CAT Classroom coaching is the best in Kolkata. The support provided at TCC is unmatchable. From crystal clear concepts to solutions to doubt clearing to planning to strategy for CAT and indeed for life, both Sir and Ma'am leave no stone unturned.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT preparation taught us priceless lessons for life. The passion with which the entire team perseveres to train and perfect the students is commendable, where else would we be trained to even sit perfectly. The training was also so much fun which helped get rid of all fears and inhibitions. I would also like to add (though maybe out of context) that because of the TCC training I was able to manage a pre-placement offer from the company I interned in - Mondelez.
TCC is one place where one does not even have to reach out to be provided with unconditional support throughout. A place where one learns to stay on the ground on gaining success and definitely to stand straight when in doubt. TCC Students definitely do not believe in failures. One takeaway from the TCC journey that I treasure the most is perfection. Overall, the TCC Journey was a truly enriching experience.
Without any doubt TCC offers the best CAT coaching and also the best GD-PI-WAT coaching.

Name: Chirag Gupta
School: Purwanchal Vidyamandir
College: Bhawanipur (B.Com)
Business School: Xavier Institute of Management (XIM), Bhubaneshwar
The TCC CAT preparation teaches a new way of life. The one which is for the people who believe they are destined for great things in life.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT preparation was amazing, surprising and challenging at every turn.
The days spent at TCC make me say that the Journey is much more beautiful than the Destination. The distance being traversed with the best faculty who strive, with unrelenting Perseverance, Passion and Commitment, only to see us excel in our lives.
The TCC CAT preparation is not just a training for belling the ‘CAT’. It is a training which teaches a new way of life. The one which is for the people who believe they are destined for great things in life and Sir gently keeps nudging us to achieve our full potential (by default & without restriction). The intense classes, the brainstorming and the decorum in class is like experiencing a premier business school without actually going to one.
The Management Development Programme (MDP - the GD-PI-WAT preparation at TCC) was amazing, surprising and challenging at every turn. The training is crucial to walk the last mile of the journey. The intense atmosphere is necessary to wake us up from our 'slumber' and realize what we desired when we first came to TCC.
The days spent at TCC make me say this without any second thoughts that the Journey is much more beautiful than the Destination. The distance being traversed with the best faculty who strive, with unrelenting Perseverance, Passion and Commitment, only to see us excel in our lives and achieve our ‘Pot of Gold’.
Yes, and overwhelmingly, TCC is the best. The best CAT preparation, the best GD-PI-WAT preparation that ever was.

Name: Parul Laddha
School: Manav Mangal, Mohali ; Bhavan, Chandigarh
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow
The TCC Journey has been phenomenal and enriching. It trained me for the rigours and challenges that I faced in a top Business School and later in the corporate world. However challenging and demanding it may be, it has prepared me for the future.
TCC has been like a second home for me and it will continue to be so forever. TCC gave me countless lessons and memories which I will cherish throughout life.
Writing about TCC is indeed an honour for me.
The TCC CAT coaching ingrained in us the importance of Crystal Clear Concepts because once the fundamentals are right, everything else falls in place. These concepts were not only for CAT, XAT etc. in particular but also for life in general. The insurmountable effort and support by Sir and Ma'am has made me what I am today.
The TCC GD-PI tuition is indeed a training for life. It has been a life-changing experience for me and it has changed my perspective towards life. It has developed my personality and my skills by notches. However challenging and demanding it may be, it has prepared me for the future.
TCC is far more than only being the best CAT preparation in Kolkata and the best GD-PI-WAT preparation in Kolkata. TCC is still more than being the best CAT preparation in India and the best GD-PI-WAT preparation in India. It has been a training for a lifetime.
The entire journey at TCC has been phenomenal and enriching. It trained me for the rigours and challenges that I faced in a top Business School (IIM, Lucknow) and later in the global corporate world. TCC has been like a second home for me and it will continue to be so forever. TCC gave me countless lessons and memories which I will cherish throughout life.
I would finally like to say that ours (TCC and me) is an equation (identity) which will remain constant under all circumstances.

Name: Ashish Barui
School: Gyan Bharati ; Shree Jain
College: Kalyani Government (B.Tech)
Business School: National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai
The TCC CAT training showed me the truth of life and the truth "About Myself". It unearthed my potential. It taught me fishing, it did not just give me fish.
If anyone will go through the TCC GD PI training and follow the Plan of Action to a T, the Business School panellists will be bound to say "Wah Wah".
Also, half of MBA happens in these three months of TCC GD-PI training.
After joining TCC, I not only came in contact with the Best Teachers but also got another Father (Sir) and another Mother (Ma’am).
The whole experience of The TCC Journey (CAT and GD-PI trainings) in one word is "WOW".
Before 25th September 2014 (when I did my first class in TCC) I did not know how to speak, behave and act, and there were some days when I used to solve just 3 to 4 problems in whole day. But, after attending first few classes in TCC the same Me started studying 10 hours a day.
The TCC CAT coaching showed me the truth of life and the truth "About Myself". It unearthed my potential. It taught me fishing, it did not just give me fish.
The coaching does not only provide how to get good percentile in CAT & XAT or better marks in College Examinations, but also shows the path through which one can get salvation.
If anyone will go through the TCC GD PI preparation and follow the Plan of Action to a T, the Business School panellists will be bound to say "Wah Wah".
Also, half of MBA happens in these three months of TCC GD-PI training.
I not only came in contact with the Best Teachers for CAT and GD PI preparation at TCC, but also got another Father (Sir) and another Mother (Ma’am).
The whole experience of The TCC Journey (CAT and GD-PI preparation) in one word is "WOW".
It is not only the best CAT coaching and the best GD-PI-WAT coaching but also the best school one can go to.

Name: Shradha Dalmiya
School: Ashok Hall
College: St. Xavier's (B.Sc)
Business School: Xavier School of Management (XLRI), Jamshedpur
TCC runs like clockwork, more efficient than the Japanese train schedule.
Every student got personal attention and was always encouraged to do well, not only at TCC but also in all walks of life. The best part was the focus on wholesome development.
The TCC training helped me get through the campus placement at XLRI with a lot of ease and I am better equipped to handle work life as well.
The TCC Journey went far beyond CAT & GD-PI preparation and was interspersed with laughter, emotions and teachings to be cherished for life.
TCC runs like clockwork, more efficient than the Japanese train schedule. Ma'am's wry wit was a perfect foil to Sir's overwhelming personality. Every student got personal attention and was always encouraged to do well, not only in the classroom and in the Laboratory tests, but also in all walks of life. This was probably the best part about the TCC CAT training, because the focus was on wholesome development and not just on preparing us for some examinations. The classes went beyond CAT concepts and were interspersed with laughter, emotions and teachings to be cherished for life.
Looking back at the TCC GD-PI classes after my MBA, I can safely vouch for the stark difference between a person who has sat through the rigorous process and one who has not. The concept classes, practice discussions and interviews in the conference room and most importantly, the thorough feedback, is something which is unique to TCC. It has helped me get through the campus placement process with a lot of ease and I am very sure that, armed with this 'training' (for want of a better word), I am better equipped to handle work life as well. The little nuances and intangibles have added up to a very pleasant and enriching experience.
I have spent the better half of my college days in TCC and I can easily say that it was one of the best times of my life. The classes were only a small part of the whole experience. Sir, Ma'am and all of TCC have always tried to go beyond classroom teaching to enable us take charge of our lives and make us better thinkers and more importantly better people. It was education in the true sense.
TCC has been more than just the best CAT tuition and the best GDPI tuition for everyone and I know that TCC will always be more than willing to help their children.

Name: Arvaan Mogrelia
School: St. James'
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Mudra Institute of Communications (MICA), Ahmedabad
The TCC CAT coaching provides the students with Crystal Clear Concepts and helps develop the right attitude and mindset towards success.
TCC’s GD-PI-WAT coaching is a once in a lifetime experience. It helped me stand out in GD, in PI, in MICA (business school) and in the corporate world (HUL).
The TCC Journey was the most customised experience, planned to perfection. This truly has been the BEST journey.
The TCC CAT coaching provides the students with Crystal Clear Concepts and helps develop the right attitude and mindset which one needs under pressure in order to be successful in tough examinations like CAT and XAT.
The Management Development Programme (TCC’s GD-PI-WAT preparation ) is a once in a lifetime experience. The training provided in hard and soft skills has helped me stand out in my group discussions and interviews and has given me the confidence required to be successful in a business school and in the corporate world thereafter. Most recently, the soft skill training I have learnt at TCC has proved to be a differentiating factor and has helped me bag an internship with Hindustan Unilever Limited during the recently concluded Summer Internship Recruitment Process at MICA.
TCC is a journey which cannot be explained but only experienced. Ma'am, Sir and the entire TCC team have worked in sync around the clock like the wheels of a vehicle to provide their students (children) the most customised experience, planned to perfection. I can never thank them enough for all the teachings that they have imparted both inside and outside the classrooms. TCC is the best institute for CAT and GDPI coaching in Kolkata and also the best beyond. TCC truly has been the BEST journey.

Name: Garima Sancheti
School: Mahadevi Birla Shishu Vihar
College: Heritage Academy (BCA)
Business School: Mudra Institute of Communications (MICA), Ahmedabad
TCC trains not only for CAT but also for life. The TCC CAT training acclimatizes one with the rigorous MBA programme. It is highly personalised and will provide the help that will suit one’s needs.
The TCC GD-PI training gives us the perfect way to handle all kinds of situations confidently.
TCC is an experience. One must live it to know what it is and how it can impact one’s life.
TCC is a family in itself. With Sir and Ma’am’s constant support as a teacher and as a parent, one will always retrospect the TCC Journey as a unique and an insightful one.
TCC trains not only for CAT but also for life. The TCC CAT training acclimatizes one with the rigorous MBA programme. It is highly personalised and will provide the help that will suit one’s needs.
The TCC GD-PI training covers all variety of GDs and PIs that one can think of while facing an actual Business School process and during placements. The training gives us the perfect way to handle all kinds of situations confidently. The combination of internal and external guidance helps in self-assessment and thereby acting in accordance.
TCC is an experience. One must live it to know what it is and how it can impact one’s life. TCC is a family in itself. With Sir and Ma’am’s constant support as a teacher and as a parent, one will always retrospect the TCC Journey as a unique and an insightful one.
The CAT and GD-PI trainings are not only the best but are world class.

Name: Harsh Agarwal
School: St. Xavier’s
College: St. Xavier’s (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta
The TCC discipline and the world-class teaching at TCC led to the formation of crystal clear concepts which was the differentiating factor for us (TCC students).
The 18-month period at TCC ensured that one’s attitude, character and behaviour took a huge positive turn. It has created a huge impact in the way I think and in the way I lead life.
Also, there was clearly a gargantuan difference between the performance (and the etiquette) of TCC students and that of the general crowd when it came to the GD-PI stage.
Concepts will always remain the bedrock of every successful venture. The TCC discipline and the world-class teaching at TCC led to the formation of crystal clear concepts which was the differentiating factor for us (TCC students). Apart from the basic education, the 18-month period at TCC ensured that one’s attitude, character and behaviour took a huge positive turn.
There was clearly a gargantuan difference between the performance (and the etiquette) of TCC students and that of the general crowd when it came to the GD-PI stage. Apart from that, the course is designed as such that it forces us to enhance our knowledge which is imperative if we really want to do something in life.
TCC was literally a part of my daily routine for 18 months. As stated earlier, it has created a huge impact in the way I think and in the way I lead life. I could take CAT in spite of constraints, that too with so much passion, primarily because of the impeccable ‘life’ training that was imparted at TCC.
No wonder that TCC is not only the best CAT coaching in Kolkata but also the best CAT coaching in India. The same is true for GD-PI-WAT as well.

Name: Pragya Sancheti
School: Welland Gouldsmith ; Sushila Birla
College: Presidency University (B.Sc)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow
The TCC CAT training imparted a certain degree of diligence and endurance to the students apart from motivating them to achieve excellence. It propelled us to greater heights.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT training was life changing. TCC nurtures students according to their individual strengths & weaknesses, a degree of customisation which is unparalleled.
‘Metamorphosis’ is the word that best describes the TCC experience. The lessons learnt will be treasured for eons to come, for the greater goal at TCC, is to gear students for life.
The CAT training at TCC was more than just a training for CAT. It imparted a certain degree of diligence and endurance to the students apart from motivating them to achieve excellence. Right from the classes to the assignments, the rigour of the process helped propel students to greater heights.
It is no over-statement if one hears a TCC alumnus say that the TCC GD-PI-WAT training was a life- changing experience. TCC nurtures students according to their individual strengths and weaknesses, a degree of customisation which is unparalleled. It arms students with the best of weapons for cracking any GD-PI-WAT that one may come across.
‘Metamorphosis’ is the word that best describes the TCC experience. The lessons learnt will be treasured for eons to come, for the greater goal at TCC, is to gear students for life. TCC indeed felt like a second home during the training.

Name: Krishna Gupta
School: M.C. Kejriwal Vidyapeeth
College: Heramba Chandra (B.Com)
Business School: Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), Mumbai
Only those who have been to TCC for CAT and GDPI preparations know the metamorphosis that an individual goes through in these 20 months called The TCC Journey.
The personal connect makes it more like a family than an institution. It happens to be the best and unique.
These 20 months made me accountable, responsible and a better human being.
TCC not only provides us with study material and classes for CAT preparation but also concentrates on the concepts becoming Crystal Clear. The personal touch and the personal attention happen to be the best and are unique. The preparation is not just for the competitive examinations, it is actually for life.
The TCC GD-PI preparation starts indirectly along with the TCC CAT preparation, since day one in TCC. The GD-PI preparation covers the entire spectrum and the customisation made for each and every student cannot be matched anywhere else. The concept classes, the different types of GDs and PIs help one to reach the echelon from ground zero.
Only those who have been to TCC for CAT and GDPI preparations know the metamorphosis that an individual goes through in these 20 months called The TCC Journey. The personal connect makes it more like a family than an institution. And yes, these 20 months made me accountable, responsible and a better human being. It is a roller coaster ride that is scary at times yet thoroughly enjoyable and once the ride ends one just wants to have another go at it.
TCC is the best CAT & GDPI coaching, tuition, preparation, training and still much more.

Name: Nishit Dhanuka
School: St. James'
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow
Sir and Ma'am did not let me give up even when my self-confidence & self-belief touched the nadir. They pushed me to my maximum potential and believed in me always. The result of this is that I got an opportunity to live my IIM dream. TCC played a monumental role in helping me achieve my dream.
TCC not only helped me to ace my interviews but also gave me a head start over my fellow batchmates at IIM Lucknow.
The TCC CAT tuition was a roller coaster ride. There were times when my self-confidence and my self-belief touched the nadir but then, Sir and Ma'am did not let me give up. They pushed me to my maximum potential and believed in me always. The result of this is that I got an opportunity to live my IIM dream. TCC played a monumental role in helping me achieve my dream.
The TCC GD-PI classes gave me a head start over my peers while appearing for Group Discussions, WATs and Interviews. There were many situations which I faced during my business school and corporate interviews which was a sense of déjà vu because of the GDWAT-PI sessions at TCC. This helped me ace my interviews and also helped me convert the IIM interview call. These sessions also gave me a head start over my fellow batchmates at IIM Lucknow.
For the world, TCC is an institution that trains people for CAT and for GD-PI. But for us (the TCC students), TCC trains people for life and in the process of this training, one automatically gets trained for CAT, XAT, GD-PI etc. Sir and Ma'am have always encouraged me to believe in myself and put my best foot forward and I would like to thank them from the bottom of my heart for bringing about this change in me.
Saying that TCC is the best CAT preparation in Kolkata and even in India and the best GD-PI-WAT coaching in Kolkata and even in India would be an understatement. TCC is way beyond – the best training for life.

Name: Radhika Juthani
School: La Martiniere for Girls
College: J. D. Birla (B.Com)
Business School: IBS, Hyderabad
TCC is my second home.
The TCC CAT coaching is a life-changing training.
The TCC GD-PI coaching is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
TCC taught me so much that even the faculties at my business school were amazed to see such professionalism in me.
All I can say about TCC is that it took my hand, opened my mind and touched my heart. The effort put in by Sir, by Ma'am and also by the team is just remarkable.
Each and everything are just perfect and are to a T. TCC excels in everything.
TCC is my second home.
The CAT coaching is just not for CAT, but also a life-changing training. From sitting at one place at a stretch with full concentration to raising the hand upright at a 90-degree angle to respond in class, TCC in general and Sir in particular have taught me so much that even the faculties at my business school were amazed to see such professionalism in me. It is a lifetime training because it not only helped me to enter a Business School but also helped me in topping the entire MBA and getting scholarship twice. All the credit goes to TCC for guiding and getting me in the right path.
The GD-PI preparation of TCC is the best thing that has ever happened to me. It not only helped me to secure 99.9 percentile in GD-PI of IBS, Hyderabad but also helped me to convert the Reserve Bank of India's personal interview round. The weapons taught and also the time to use them always gives the TCC student an upper hand in GDs, PIs and WATs. It is truly said that "practice makes a man perfect." TCC provides a platform for one to gain confidence by providing numerous opportunities for the student to practice and make oneself perfect.
Planet K provides a platform to improve one’s general knowledge in each and every sector and it is just mind boggling!!!
When I joined TCC, I had heard that it offered the best CAT coaching and also the best GD-PI-WAT coaching. When I left TCC, I knew that it was far beyond.
All I can say about TCC is that it took my hand, opened my mind and touched my heart. Be it training, be it tests, be it GD-PI it excels in everything. The effort put in by Sir, by Ma'am and also by the team is just remarkable. Each and everything are just perfect and are to a T.

Name: Prateek Modi
School: South Point
College: St. Xavier’s (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta
I never had to look beyond the TCC CAT classes while preparing for CAT. The extremely structured and complete curriculum and the methodology, stressing as much on theory as on application, have brought in me a clarity in concepts which I have never experienced. TCC is truly the best place in Kolkata to be in when it comes to CAT preparation.
The TCC GD-PI classes is transformational and brings out the best in an individual.
The greatest thing about TCC is that it takes extreme care to customise the requirements for each and every student.
I never had to look beyond the TCC CAT classes while preparing for CAT. The extremely structured and complete curriculum and the methodology, stressing as much on theory as on application, have brought in me a clarity in concepts which I have never experienced. TCC is truly the best place in Kolkata to be in when it comes to CAT preparation.
The TCC GD-PI classes made me stand out among the many aspiring students. The kind of grooming one gets at TCC really brings in a transformation in how one presents himself and the amount of self-confidence one starts having in himself. TCC really brings out the best in an individual. TCC is truly the best place in India to be in when it comes to GD-PI-WAT preparation.
The greatest thing about TCC is that Sir and Ma’am both take extreme care to identify each and every student in terms of his strengths and weaknesses and thereafter prepare him to face the rigours and demands of a premier business school. TCC has truly trained me for life.

Name: Rajat Poddar
School: Salt Brook, Dibrugarh ; DPS, Guwahati
College: Bhawanipur (B.Com)
Business School: Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), Mumbai
The TCC MBA coaching classes for CAT preparation has been a life time experience for me. The continuous challenges, brainstorming and motivation inspires hope, ignites the imagination and instils a love for learning.
The TCC GD-PI classes was a remarkable one. It made the business school GDPIs a cakewalk.
The TCC Journey was a memorable experience. It enriched my skills and made me confident. It also helped me to look at life with a new perspective.
Getting into a reputed business school was my dream and TCC helped me to turn that dream into reality.
The TCC MBA coaching classes for CAT preparation has been a life time experience for me. The continuous challenges, brainstorming and motivation have made me stronger and stronger by each passing day. It inspires hope, ignites the imagination and instils a love for learning.
The TCC GD PI WAT classes leaves no stone unturned - the essence of the entire GDPI and WAT training can be summarized as such. The training had been a remarkable one. Because of the exposure one gets in TCC, the business school GDPIs turn out to be a cakewalk at the end.
The TCC Journey was a memorable experience for me. It enriched my skills and helped me throughout to become a confident person. It also helped me to look at life with a new perspective. Getting into a reputed business school was my dream and TCC helped me to turn that dream into reality.
TCC indeed is the best CAT preparation institute and also the best GD-PI-WAT preparation institute.

Name: Umang Gupta Agarwal
School: Modern High
College: J. D. Birla (BBA)
Business School: Xavier Institute of Management (XIM), Bhubaneswar
TCC has been the best decision of my life. TCC is the best CAT coaching in India.
One of the best parts of the coaching was the relentless effort, care and personal attention of TCC. Everything was taken care of by TCC.
This coaching not only helps in cracking premier business schools but also prepares us for handling the challenges inside a premier Business school and also how to manage the most difficult situations in the corporate world and most importantly in life.
It was a training for life as it changed the person I was and all that I have achieved today is because of TCC.
I hope this TCC Daughter always makes Sir and Ma'am proud and happy.
TCC has been the best decision of my life. The way Sir and Ma'am taught us every concept it just made me feel actually how simple things are. TCC CAT training not only trained me for CAT but it prepared me for any examination, even more difficult ones. TCC is the best CAT coaching in India. One of the best parts of the coaching was the relentless effort, care and personal attention of TCC. Everything was taken care of by Sir in particular and by TCC in general.
The most unique experience is the TCC GD-PI training. We learnt about the tiniest details, about everything that we assumed were unimportant but were actually the facets that would set us apart and make us win the battles. This coaching not only helps in the preparation for cracking the premier business school GDPIs but also prepares us for handling the challenges inside a premier Business school and also how to manage the most difficult situations in the corporate world and most importantly in life.
There are a few decisions of my life which I am so grateful about and joining TCC is one of them. It is not just the academic knowledge that makes it so unique but the way Sir and Ma'am have taught us about the values of time, discipline, dedication, hard work and perseverance. I learnt how important it is to balance things in life and how we need to make some choices which will be very difficult but necessary to make. It was a training for life as it changed the person I was and all that I have achieved today is because I chose to treat each lesson imparted by Sir (academic and otherwise) as the most important advice for my growth and development.
I hope this TCC Daughter always makes Sir and Ma'am proud and happy.

Name: Shrivatsa Bhatter
School: Lakshmipat Singhania
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta
TCC is the epitome of customisation based on individual needs.
The TCC CAT classes are the most comprehensive classes I have ever experienced. Interactive classes, continuous brainstorming, pre-class assignments, laboratory tests and extensive ‘Plans of Action’ ensure that no stone is left unturned in the preparation.
The TCC GD-PI classes prepared us for a top business school, for the corporate world and indeed for life.
The TCC Journey is truly a journey to be experienced, not just spoken about.
The TCC CAT classes are the most comprehensive classes I have ever experienced. The teaching methodology surpasses the modules and delves into greater learnings applicable not only to a business school but to life as well. Interactive classes, continuous brainstorming, pre-class assignments, laboratory tests and extensive ‘Plans of Action’ ensure that no stone is left unturned in the preparation. It is truly a journey to be experienced, not just spoken about.
Clearing the entrance examination is just the first step, and here the importance of excelling in GDs and PIs cannot be overemphasised. With classes for Finance, Marketing, Economics, Group Discussions, Interviews and Communication, backed by extensive applications in business school-like and corporate-like GDs and PIs, the GD-PI training provides an opportunity to develop a host of skills. The learnings are applicable not only for the business schools but for life as well.
TCC is far more than just being the best CAT preparation and the best GDPIWAT preparation. TCC is the epitome of customisation based on individual needs. TCC blends the right amount of discipline and the right amount of affection needed to bring out the best in a student. One learns to experience the rigour of a premier business school here before stepping into a real one. It not only teaches skills needed to be successful in a premier business school, but also imparts qualities like punctuality, discipline and diligence. It was indeed a memorable journey.

Name: Aman Totla
School: St. James'
College: J. D. Birla (BBA)
Business School: Mudra Institute of Communications (MICA), Ahmedabad
The TCC Journey covered every aspect of every topic, beginning from the absolute basics and going up to esoteric levels which ensured Crystal Clear Concepts.
The decision to join TCC proved to be a life changing one. It not only made me focus on my career and helped me enter a premier business school, but more importantly it inculcated in me the virtues of honesty, punctuality, hard work and of course Perseverance, Passion and Commitment.
Overall, TCC was a fantastic learning experience. Truly, an education for life!
The TCC CAT classes covered every aspect of every topic, beginning from the absolute basics and going up to esoteric levels which ensured Crystal Clear Concepts. The classes, filled with brainstorming, were designed in such a way that they helped in opening up our minds and made us capable of thinking on our feet, and answering challenging questions in a highly competitive environment, within a limited time span - all qualities required to succeed in competitive examinations such as CAT, XAT, etc.
The TCC GD-PI-WAT classes helped in developing all the soft skills required during a GD-PI-WAT process. The different types of practice Group Discussions, Personal Interviews and WATs conducted at TCC by high profile panellists helped prepare us for any situation and made sure we were not caught unaware by any surprises during the Business School GD-PI-WAT process. The Concept Classes on different subjects such as marketing, finance, economy etc. broadened our horizon and gave us tremendous knowledge which was of great help during the GD-PI-WAT process and even beyond.
The decision to join TCC proved to be a life changing one. It not only made me focus on my career and helped me enter a premier business school, but more importantly it inculcated in me the virtues of honesty, punctuality, hard work and of course Perseverance, Passion and Commitment.
Overall, TCC was a fantastic learning experience. Truly, an education for life!
No wonder we all feel that it is not only the best CAT preparation in Kolkata but also the best CAT preparation in India. Same for GD-PI-WAT. It is world class.

Name: Tulika Agarwal
School: Tashi Namgyal, Gangtok ; Mayo, Ajmer
College: St. Xavier's (B.Com)
Business School: Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow
The TCC CAT tuition was the perfect course towards CAT preparation. Inputs on how to plan the study time, how to structure the preparation and how to attempt questions are truly invaluable.
The TCC GD-WAT-PI classes are must take for everyone. I have used these learnings at IIM Lucknow and even beyond.
The TCC Journey gave me a taste of a top business school because IIM Lucknow turned out to be no different.
If one puts her 100%, TCC will put its 200% and that is the kind of support one can expect at TCC.
It is a privilege to write about TCC.
The TCC CAT tuition was the perfect course towards preparing for CAT. It covered all that was relevant for the examinations. Apart from the course content itself, inputs that Sir provides on how to plan the study time, how to structure the preparation and most importantly how to attempt the questions during the examinations are truly invaluable. The habits developed during the training stays with one for life and it just puts us a step ahead of the rest (the non-TCC students), in this race. I cannot thank TCC enough for the difference it has made to my life.
The TCC GD-WAT-PI classes are must take for everyone. The learnings from these sessions are something I still put to use in all the interviews I sit for. I think nothing can validate the usefulness of the training more than the fact that a fellow IIM Lucknow student actually walked up to me after a GD and marvelled at my performance. The credit for this definitely goes to the TCC training. The training for Personal Interviews ensures that there are no loopholes in the preparation. One can tackle questions of any difficulty level post this training.
TCC’s demand for discipline is what I cannot thank enough. It has helped me to a great extent to deliver to the best of my abilities. The whole training gave me a taste of life at a top business school because IIM Lucknow turned out to be no different. TCC prepared me to that extent. It is imperative that one follows the prescription handed by TCC to a T. If one puts her 100%, TCC will put its 200% and that is the kind of support one can expect at TCC.
Hence, it is no surprise that TCC is indeed the best CAT preparation and the best GDPIWAT preparation possible. I really cannot imagine where I would have landed without TCC’s guidance.

Name: Ayush Goenka
School: MCKV ; Don Bosco, Liluah
College: St. Xavier’s (B.Com)
Business School: Xavier School of Management (XLRI), Jamshedpur
“WISDOM is knowing WHAT to do, SKILL is knowing HOW to do and VIRTUE is actually DOING it”. This is what the TCC Journey delivers effectively throughout the CAT and the GD-PI preparation.
The best part of the coaching is the immense personal attention and customisation for each and every student.
The love, affection and attention received from TCC is not possible anywhere else and from anyone else.
Top quality concepts and mesmerising teaching are the bottom lines, nevertheless.
It is aptly said that “WISDOM is knowing WHAT to do, SKILL is knowing HOW to do and VIRTUE is actually DOING it”. With the unique training structure and style coupled with the Crystal Clear Concepts, all the aforementioned are delivered effectively throughout the TCC CAT exam preparation. The immense importance that is given to basics always helps in the long run. The materials provided and the class teaching are very comprehensive and when followed as per the given Plan of Action certainly works wonders. Finally, the personal attention and the love, care and affection received from TCC provide the necessary intangibles to believe in ourselves and complete the journey with flying colours and satisfaction.
The TCC GD-PI preparation is certainly the best. Each and every facet related to GD-PI and WAT is discussed at the most elementary level and also in the most exhaustive manner possible. The practise GDs, personal interviews & WATs are the best simulation possible for an actual Business school and also for corporate GDs, PIs & WATs. The notes, the discussions and the experience that are provided have become sacred and are preserved with utmost care and reverence. The hard skills and the soft skills provided are unparalleled. The best part of the training is the immense personal attention and customisation for each and every student. To sum up, the GD-PI preparation is an experience of a lifetime and call conversion is just a by-product. End of Argument.
Sir, Ma’am and the whole TCC team have become an important part of my life. It is not just about CAT coaching and GD-PI coaching, it is also about the bonding that each and every one of us share with TCC. The love, affection and attention received from TCC is not possible anywhere else and from anyone else. Top quality concepts and mesmerising teaching are the bottom lines nevertheless.
Kiran Rathi
S.A. Jaipuria (B.Com)
"TCC Management Systems"
Adit Mittal
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
IIM Calcutta
Dhruv Sarda
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
IIM Calcutta
Rhea Lhila
St. Xavier's (B.Sc)
IIM Calcutta
Mahek Rohra
Jadavpur University (BA)
IIM Calcutta
Devraj Shah
The Heritage (B.Sc)
IIM Calcutta
Varun Bajaj
St. Xavier’s (B.Com)
IIM Bangalore
Avantika Jhunjhunwala
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
IIM Ahmedabad
Debopam Purkayastha
IIEST Shibpur (B. Tech)
IIM Kozhikode
Bhawna Pagaria
J. D. Birla (BBA)
IIM Calcutta
Ratul Borar
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
XLRI Jamshedpur
Shruti Mimani
Shikshayatan (B.Sc)
IIM Indore
Himanshu Rathi
Umeschandra (B.Com)
IIM Kozhikode
Harshita Tibrewala
J. D. Birla (B.Com)
MDI Gurugram
Suryansh Goel
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
IIM Ahmedabad
Shruti Sethia
Bhawanipur (B.Sc)
IIM Kozhikode
Punit P. Parekh
St. Xavier's (B.Sc)
IIM Bangalore
Shubhangee Sharma
Bangabasi (B.Com)
FMS Delhi
Karanveer Singh Grewal
Jadavpur University (BA)
IIM Calcutta
Dipti Mundhra
St. Xavier's (BBA)
XLRI Jamshedpur
Vedant Jain
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
IIM Lucknow
Bharati Mitruka
J. D. Birla (BBA)
XLRI Jamshedpur
Uddhav Poddar
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
IIM Lucknow
Nayonika Saha
St. Xavier’s (B.Com)
IIM Lucknow
Aditya Agarwal
Bhawanipur (B.Com)
NMIMS Mumbai
Ridhima Lohia
St. Xavier’s (BBA)
ISB Hyderabad
Shubham Kakrania
J. D. Birla (BBA)
NMIMS Mumbai
Gunjeeta Jaju
IEM (B.Tech)
FMS Delhi
Harsh Parasrampuria
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
XLRI Jamshedpur
Jaishree Dudani
St. Xavier’s (B.Com)
S. P. Jain Mumbai
Shubham Sanganeria
IEM (B.Tech)
XLRI Delhi
Sonal Kanodia
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
XLRI Jamshedpur
Yashwant Kedia
St. Xavier’s (B.Com)
MDI Gurgaon
Shailja Bagri
Jadavpur University (B.E.)
IIT Madras (MBA)
Md Safdar
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
S. P. Jain Mumbai
Nikita Agarwal
Sikkim Manipal (B.Tech)
IIM Ahmedabad
Yash Nyati
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
ISB Hyderabad
Aditi Shah
Amity University (B.Tech)
TAPMI Manipal
Akash Rungta
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
S. P. Jain Mumbai
Ankita Poddar
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
IIFT Delhi
Kapil Gupta
Bhawanipur (B.Com)
XIM Bhubaneshwar
Vaishali Sabherwal
St. Xavier's (B.Sc)
IIM Lucknow
Md Shadab
Goenka (B.Com)
XIM Bhubaneswar
Avantika Tikmany
St. Xavier’s (B.Sc)
IIM Indore
Sanmay Bhaumik
Prafulla Chandra (B.Com)
Nabanita Dutta
Shikshayatan (B.Com)
XIM Bhubaneshwar
Shrey Toshniwal
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
IIM Lucknow
Nisha Jain
Goenka (B.Com)
XLRI Jamshedpur
Divyanshu Mahansaria
St. Xavier’s (BBA)
Did not pursue MBA
Gitika Tibrewala
J. D. Birla (BBA)
S. P. Jain Mumbai
Rishi Gupta
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
S. P. Jain Mumbai
Srestha Ghosh
St. Xavier's (B.Sc)
S. P. Jain Mumbai
Mohit Agarwal
IEM (B.Tech)
Durga Nangalia
Techno India (B.Tech)
IIM Kozhikode
Prithwijit Mukherjee
Jadavpur University (B.E.)
IIM Calcutta
Aaisha Modi
St. Xavier's (B.Sc.)
IIM Lucknow
Chirag Gupta
Bhawanipur (B.Com)
XIM Bhubaneshwar
Parul Laddha
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
IIM Lucknow
Ashish Barui
Kalyani Government (B.Tech)
NITIE Mumbai
Shradha Dalmiya
St. Xavier's (B.Sc)
XLRI Jamshedpur
Arvaan Mogrelia
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
MICA Ahmedabad
Garima Sancheti
Heritage Academy (BCA)
MICA Ahmedabad
Harsh Agarwal
St. Xavier’s (B.Com)
IIM Calcutta
Pragya Sancheti
Presidency University (B.Sc)
IIM Lucknow
Krishna Gupta
Heramba Chandra (B.Com)
NMIMS Mumbai
Nishit Dhanuka
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
IIM Lucknow
Radhika Juthani
J. D. Birla (B.Com)
IBS Hyderabad
Prateek Modi
St. Xavier’s (B.Com)
IIM Calcutta
Rajat Poddar
Bhawanipur (B.Com)
NMIMS Mumbai
Umang Gupta Agarwal
J. D. Birla (BBA)
XIM Bhubaneshwar
Shrivatsa Bhatter
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
IIM Calcutta
Aman Totla
J. D. Birla (BBA)
MICA Ahmedabad
Tulika Agarwal
St. Xavier's (B.Com)
IIM Lucknow
Ayush Goenka
St. Xavier’s (B.Com)
XLRI Jamshedpur