Exceptional Services
Assurance, Exclusivity, Quality - unmatched
- TCC is the only institute to have Specialist, Constant and Permanent Faculty members
- This provides a unique and an unmatched assurance
- The entire spectrum of the TCC Training Programme is exclusive only to TCC Students
- A non-TCC student cannot access any part of the programme in bits and pieces even by paying a fee
- TCC is the only institute to have this exclusivity
- TCC is the only institute where admissions close and that too quite early
- This ensures that not an iota of education quality and service delivery get diluted
- At TCC the quality and service delivery will never be compromised
- Further, TCC offers only one comprehensive training programme for each of CAT and GD-PI-WAT
- This ensures resources are not diluted
Personalisation & Customisation
Tête-à-têtes (One-to-one sessions) - unmatched
- Customisation and Personalisation at its best.
- Conducted, individually, for every single student.
- Customisation of ‘Plan of Action’ for every single student.
- One-to-one career guidance for every single student.
- In accordance with the background, competence, interests and aspirations of the particular student.
- This is another unique offering of TCC which no other institute has matched so far.
Plan of Action Sessions - unmatched
- These sessions will tell what, when, why and how of the MBA-entrance preparation and process.
- These sessions will also ensure that the preparation and process are far more effective and far more efficient.
- These sessions along with the one-to-one sessions will further ensure that the perfect career decision is taken.
Career Sessions and Management Sessions
- These sessions provide deep insights into management education, business schools and MBA-entrance examinations.
- They also provide a framework towards business school application, keeping in mind an individual’s competence, background, interests and aspirations.
- They will further provide extensive and customised guidance towards form filling.
- Besides, they will provide extensive and customised guidance for business school and specialisation selections.
Strategy Sessions
- These sessions provide customised strategies and tactics to be adopted in CAT and the other MBA-entrance examinations.
- These sessions in particular and the entire training in general will ensure that a student can handle uncertainties and ambiguities.
Concept Classes
Concept Phase
- TCC has the highest number of Concept Classes.
- 110 concept classes of pure teaching covering the entire gamut of CAT curriculum
- 26 in English
- 58 in Mathematics
- 26 in Logical Reasoning & Data Interpretation
- The sheer number of classes ensure that each topic starts from scratch and transcends to the CAT level and even beyond.
Shortcut Phase
- Classes totally driven by ‘Examination Perspective'
- Shortcuts galore across the board
- Blistering pace
- Mind-boggling and mind-blowing value addition
Study Material
- More than 1,000 pages of core concepts – a ramification of 110 Concept Classes of pure teaching.
- More than 12,000 pages of printed and online material comprising books, booklets, tests, solutions and assignments.
- This ensures that a student has enough material to study and to practice.
Planet K
- TCC provides a General Knowledge portal having a gargantuan 12 categories and 72 features.
- Readymade and customised, exclusively for the TCC students.
- Some of the non-CAT examinations have a General Knowledge section.
- Additionally, GD-PI-WAT (Group Discussion - Personal Interview - Written Ability Tests) will test the GK quotient and that too extensively.
Doubt-Clearing Phase

Class doubt clearing
- During the class proceedings
- At the end of each class
- At the end of the subsequent class
MBA-entrance doubt clearing
- Related to CAT
- Related to allied MBA-entrance examinations
- Related to GD-PI-WAT stage
Career doubt clearing
- Related to Specialisation selection
- Related to Business School selection
- Related to Application process
- Related to Form filling
- Related to Internship
- Related to Work Experience
- Related to Career path
Backup Phase
TCC has a very strong support system for Backup Classes to ensure students do not miss out on any class value addition.
Daily / Weekly Backup
- For students who could not attend a class as per the ‘Regular’ schedule because of certain exigencies.
- Students can attend according to their convenience and availability.
- This provides tremendous flexibility to students.
Supplementary Backup
- For students who missed classes initially.
- Backup of every single such class is arranged thereafter.
Video Backup
- Video class is provided for every single ‘Concept Class’.
- This ensures that students have one more opportunity to recapitulate, revise and ingrain the value addition on offer.
Customised Backup / Backup on Demand
- For students who missed classes due to college or university examinations.
- Backup of every single such class is arranged beyond the respective examination window.
Test Platform
11 examination-specific & pattern-specific ‘Test Series’ comprising more than 1500 tests.

Dedicated Online Test Platform - unmatched
- Replicating the computer-based CAT.
- Replication in terms of testing, pattern, venue and mode of conduct.
Largest Computer Laboratory - unmatched
- Largest Computer Laboratory among similar institutes.
- The only place to have the entire Computer Laboratory testing for all students in-house.
- The place to have highest in-house full-length online tests, 15 in number.
No need to "book" slots, visit other "venues" - unmatched
- No need to book test slots, like elsewhere.
- No need to visit other venues (if at all available) for taking tests, like elsewhere.
- Every TCC Student assigned a particular customised laboratory-slot.
Post mortem of ‘Online Tests’
- Redo Mode, Revision Mode
- Detailed Solution
- Analysis of the test
- Analytics of your performance
- Qualitative, Quantitative and Graphical feedbacks
- Absolute benchmarking, Relative benchmarking
- Percentile, IIM cut-offs, Non-IIM cut-offs
Estimated CAT percentile - unmatched
- Based on Mathematical modelling.
- Know what to expect on the D-day and not a pseudo "All India Ranking" which does not tell the true story.
- TCC Evaluation Examination - appraisal, benchmarking, feedback
- Fathoms coordinates at the commencement of ‘The TCC Journey’
Reading Tests
- 600 online passages covering a wide gamut of topics
- Familiarise with myriad topics, enhance reading prowess, develop reading patience and expedite reading speed
- ‘Redo Mode’ and ‘Analytics’ tracks and enhances reading prowess & speed
Word Power
- 80 online tests, weekly customisation
- Four times every month to test and to develop the lexical quotient.
- ‘Redo Mode’, 'Review Mode', and ‘Analytics’ tracks and enhances lexical prowess
- After all, supreme ability over vocabulary works wonders
GK Tests
- 188 online tests, weekly customisation
- Four times every month to test and to develop the GK quotient
- ‘Redo Mode’, 'Review Mode', and ‘Analytics’ tracks and enhances General Knowledge
- After all, “Knowledge is power”
Topic Tests
- More than 400 online tests covering the entire spectrum of MBA-entrance
- Provide relentless practice across topics supplemented with ‘Redo Mode’, 'Review Mode', and ‘Analytics’
Subject Tests
- 90 online tests in English, Mathematics and LR & DI
- Provide relentless practice across subjects and sections supplemented with ‘Redo Mode’, 'Review Mode', and ‘Analytics’
Triple CAT Test Series – unmatched
50 online full-length pattern-specific tests for CAT alone
Laboratory Tests - The Grandest CAT Test Series
- 15 online full-length tests congruent to CAT pattern and platform
- Scheduled at the TCC Computer Laboratory for a real-examination feel
- Replication in terms of testing, pattern, venue and mode of conduct
- Supplemented with ‘Redo Mode’, 'Review Mode', ‘Analytics’, 'Analysis' and 'Benchmarks'
- Experience ‘CAT day’ 15 times
Archive Tests - The Peerless CAT Test Series
- 20 online full-length tests based on past CAT papers
- Supplemented with ‘Redo Mode’, 'Review Mode', ‘Analytics’, 'Analysis', and 'Benchmarks'
- Past CAT questions in present CAT pattern and platform
- Unique and unmatched offering
RealCATs - The Strategic CAT Test Series
- 15 online full-length tests congruent to CAT pattern and platform
- Supplemented with ‘Redo Mode’, 'Review Mode', ‘Analytics’, 'Analysis', and 'Benchmarks'
- The final frontier - the last leg of the marathon
- Strategise and enhance your performance by leaps and bounds
Non-CAT Test Series
- 12 online full-length pattern-specific tests
- Past XAT papers in the present pattern and platform
- Supplemented with ‘Redo Mode’, 'Review Mode', and ‘Analytics’.
- 8 online full-length pattern-specific tests
- Past SNAP papers in the present pattern and platform
- Supplemented with ‘Redo Mode’, 'Review Mode', and ‘Analytics’.
- 8 online full-length pattern-specific tests
- Past NMAT papers in the present pattern and platform
- Supplemented with ‘Redo Mode’, 'Review Mode', and ‘Analytics’.
Mobile Advantage
- 'General Test Series' can be accessed anytime, anywhere facilitating preparation.
- Similarly for ‘Redo Mode’, 'Review Mode', ‘Analytics’, 'Analysis', and 'Benchmarks' for all the online tests in the Test Platform.
- The Communication Platform (Notice Board), the Data Platfrom (Student Repository), the General Knowledge Platform (Planet K), the Guidance Plus Platform and the Study Material Platform are, also, just a click/touch away.
- The TCC Web Application (Web App) facilitates the above process. It is responsive on both Android and IOS devices.
Miscellaneous Advantages
- Infrastructure, technology, materials, all can be replicated.
- Study materials are freely available.
- What cannot be replicated are the faculty members and therefore the experience.
- TCC offers only one comprehensive training programme for each of CAT and GD-PI-WAT.
- This ensures resources are not diluted.
- Every detail is quantified.
- For example, number of classes, list of classes, different test series, number of tests etc.
Course Fee
- Fixed across the entire academic session for all students unlike anywhere else.
- No gimmicks in the form of freebies, discounts.
Admissions Closure
- The only place where admission closes and that too quite early
- No wonder the education remains World Class across the board